🍯 Manal's fault🍯 Edited

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"Yes av done everything av even cooked the food" nayyara said to jidderh over the phone, she was just now the one to begin a tantrum so Salim and manal will start fighting between themselves, she thought smiling to herself.

Wearing on a black shinny Alkaiba from the look of it is very expressive, she walked down the stairs.

The queen mother was celebrating dinner for manal and her unborn child more like a dinner baby shower or what ever it was.

Doing a final touchup for her makeup she walked out of the house to the parking lots,

Manal and haleema walked hand in hand into the hall with heart capturing smiley faces.

The queen mother was already sited at the head table, the mc who was a female announced the arrival of the queen of daura who will give birth to the future heir, nayyara had a squall on her face.

Sophia and meanah where with her, jidderh couldn't make it due to the work she has at her office, she was the CEO of her father's company who was the most riches man in the whole of Africa.

"Asalamu alaikum dear, I want to thank you all for coming here to celebrate the with me and welcome my child into this emirate, the heir of this kingdom" manal said looking directly towards nayyara face.

Nayyara felt insulted but promised herself to make manal pay, she walked to the stage collected the mic from the mc.

" Hello guys, we really appreciate for you time given to come over here just to celebrate the welcome of our lovely heir thank you so much. I also want to request my dear sister to be the god mother of this child" nayyara said though the mic, she also got no idea why she was doing all this but she felt the need to.

Her grip on the mic was tightened, manal came back on the stage patted nayyara on her shoulder looking deep into her eyes daring her to harm her child before giving her a very best fake smile, which she was sure no one will ever see pass it only her and her rival who where now standing shoulders to shoulders.

"Your wish is granted my dear" manal said collecting the mic from nayyara without her even knowing.

Salim just entered the hall when nayyara was requesting for the her to be the god mother of the child, he had to stop dead in his track in other to see what happens next, but manal took him by surprise by granting nayyara's wish.

On sighting the king the mc annoyed of his presence, the place went quite as the king entered nayyara quickly went to him standing by his right side flashing her 36.

They couple reached the stage manal got angry why will nayyara cling to salim haleema had to hold her hands to stop her from also going to him.

" Thank you all for honoring our invitation to welcome the heir of this kingdom" Salim said he made his speech with nayyara by his side.

The queen mother also made her speech feeling all happy, the dinner went on with everyone chatting around.

The queen mother was showing manal to the her friends who where the governors, senators and minister wives. Manal had to excuse herself her legs where paining her due to the 5inch heels she wore, all thanks to haleema who was her desginer.

Manal bumped into nayyara who had this evil smirk on manal felt the urge to rub it off her face.

"Look who we got here, your royal highness the mother of the unborn heir the future queen mother" nayyara said mockingly manal felt like screaming but resisted the urge by tapping her right foot lightly, she wasn't going to stood so low to nayyara level she's not an illiterate to be shouting over Salim.

Manal picked a glass of soda from a waitress who was passing by, she felt the need of it just so she will enjoy nayyara lil show.

"You to what manal, I just pity you and that your never unborn....." The resounding slap that landed on nayyara's sas was what got most women attention, who where now gathering around them.

"Don't you ever say a thing about my child nayyara ever, I can tolerate you but not my child" manal said one hand placed on her tummy the other pionting at nayyara who felt like screaming.

Salim came running into the cycle looking between the two who where glaring at each other deadly nayyara hands where placed over her chin tears threatening to spill out.

"What are you doing what's happening" Salim asked thought gritting teeths.



Less than 10 chapter left I'll miss you all, manal slapped nayyara what do you think whose side will Salim take🤣🤣


Ongoing edition
All rights reserved
Aleeyu xynab

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