🍯The crush🍯 Edited

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Manal got dressed, in a black lace free gown, with a camisole underneath it.
Did her turban perfectly neat,

She wasn't a makeup fan just, her plane face, not even a powered.

But Mimi, always wonder why, she doesn't apply makeups but still, people have crush on her. but not even say hi to her.

Mimi can be funny attimes, manal  thought.

"ya am done, shall we"
i said getting into the parking  lots, he was taking  a picture of himself which I joined in.

"ohhh yes u look like a ghost"
he said just to annoy manal, who looked at him weirdly.

"common!! just say the truth, m more prettier than u"
manual said,  flipping  her veil in a dramatic way.

"eyyeh! for ur mind, can't u see. how fati is cute and we look so much alike" he asked getting into the car.

"ohh! that frog u referred to as a cute person, no wonder you like a toad" manal exclaimed also sitting  in the car.

"so, this is how you have become, insulting people, that too ur elders, abbi must hear this" Salim said raising  a brow at her.

"hear wetin, just because i said a plain truth" manal shrugged

Manal's phone ranged, it was Mimi.she received the call putting it on speaker.

" hi Bairn"
manal said.

" clown"mimi shouted.

"u see, u just said that to me, is ur  bestie" hafsaa feign hurt.

" not any longer, we are no more besties, besides m requesting for a breakup" Mimi said wanting to laugh at her bestie.

Manual foreign hurt signing before saying, 😿😨 "I can't believe this, ohh! my dear heart baby, don't do this to me, u did shown ur the real clown"

"ohh! is that, ur suppose to be abusive not but still" Mimi raised her brows

"ohh! but, u pick the fight I was only helping" manal said closing her eyes sharply.

"helping the devil with the fight" Mimi exclaimed.

"ohh ur a stinkers!!" manal yelled.

Mimi; ohh and ur a sucker 😕

"girls! u all are so dumb, banal, brainless, idiotic, moronic," he yelled.

Together (manal and Mimi) "ya!  but all are the same word, why repeating it over again. so its so pointless which makes it so dumb brainless banal moronic and all you said". They said laughing at there craziness.

"you girls, are surely lacking meaning which makes u so inconsiderate" he said pulling  the car out of the drive way.

"ohh! we are not inconsiderate or wah ever u call it just wait and see, how people will be having crushes on us you did be left out" Mimi said emphasising on the crush.

"yes your right hunnie, so that going to make him the inconsiderate one." manal agreed to wat Mimi said.

"ohh! is that, I shall see how ur going out and even see the so call crushes. cause your sight is so mephitic, beccause your guys are so Mephistopheles" he said turning off the car.

"common ya! we are not those toughies" mimi said.

"not toughies, their hellcat" manal  corrected. "no harpy will do" Mimi suggested. "no vixen will do perfectly" manal said again

"the she devils, in all. so I saved you the trouble, u girls are stinkers both an ass hole" Salim said resting his back on the sit.

"gosh ya!! no 'f' words, we are Kidd's, u don't want us with those f's stuffs" Mimi said closing her face.

"yes bestie, is right so see u soon" manal said ending  the call, looking at Salim who was also doing the same. He was just tried.

But never the less,  he roared the car to life.  Before pulling it out of the house,  they were in no time in an ice cream parlor, close to Mimi house. 

manal called her to inform her they had arrived, the alighted the car, they got sited waiting for Mimi to arrive.

Hi, manal waved, after she spotted her, the shop wasn't filled, just little people here and their.

gosh she looked so dashing, she was in a black tommy jeans, a red lacy Blouse, a black jacked with her turban.

Her face was painted with makeup, she's a makeup freak, unlike manal.

"darling u looked so breath taking"manal complemented pulling  a sit for her.

"u don't look bad either".  She said Fluttering her lashes

"hi girlfriend!" Salim waved typing away in his phone.

"see whose having a crush already?" mimi asked gesturing  for the waitress to come.

"ohhh, u guys are dump, don't u know wah a 'girl friend' stands for, 'a female friend' or did it skipped ur brainless brain?" he asked keeping his phone.

"count me out with the guys stuffs" manal said possing for a selfie, she was taking with her phone.

"ohhh, I can't remember wen last we where actually friends, so the formalities ain't such" Mimi said going though her menu.

After ashr prayers the guys each left for there various home Salim with manal, Mimi called her driver because she was feeling lazy to walk she said.

Ammi was in the kitchen making dinner when they returned,

They both shouted "Ammi" frightening  her she glared at both of them before saying, " your kids are very silly"

" no ammi we just miss you," Salim said taking a peice of fried chicken.

Ammi chased him out of her kitchen, before informing manal about there trip to kastina before school resumes.

Yeah,manal jumped in excitement, before leaving to her room to start parking.

"ya, guess wah" she asked going into Salim room without even knocking.

She founded him on the bed shirtless, she also jumped on the bed. 
"we are going to katsina tomorrow"she said again, now laying on the bed removing her sandals just to annoy him. 


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           Aleeyu xynab 2020

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