🍯matchmaking 🍯 Edited

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Asalm guys how u mum, dad, bros, sis, hubby, wiffy, boo, Bea, and all the ... Lolx don't mind my silliness.

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This chapter is for my readers, hope your going to enjoy it.

Manal POV

We had really fun, I think m coming here for my next holiday, it was fun, we went out for some ice cream in havila.

We had lots of fun, lots of people stare at us, like we really crazy or some thing, that we aren't from the country, some even wanted snaping with us, how overly mad.

"Guys do we really have that cuteness? that they have to snap with us, do we look like some Indians or Arabians" she kept on blaring, Fatima and her not so big mouth I thought.

"But guys, do we have any other  place to go" halima asked, as the car took it turn towards the house, she practically didnt want to go back to the palace.

"we don't" zurafat said, sign-in her head down in defeat, it seemed she also doesn't wanna go back home.

After going back home, we chatted a lot about weird stuffs, like wah we like about ourselves.

Mimi bought a topic about  the salimah's aka Salim and haleema's wedding.

"guys, I can't wait, u know we never attended any wedding, and this will be a boom,  all those insta stuff 'nah fake'she said gesturing with her hands.

"there she goes, wah of urx and quiams wedding. Also plan it, but if u won't I'll definitely help u out with it" zurif said sitting in the middle.

The banters went on for long.

Soon it was time for lunch we're having a picnic, a lil get together,
It was fun.

"you guys will be going for shopping, get ready" ummi informed after breakfast.

"yeehh shopping, I can't wait let's go get ready" umimi squealed already on her feet. 

It was actually exhausting shopping with them, they will be like, "I want that, wen actually it's out of shock, or they will be like its not my size, when actually it was.

"wow! those Snickers,I like them adding them to my stuffs" manal said pointing at a pink shoe, to the sales girls.

"me too, I love them get one for me". Umimi said also to the sales girl.

"yeeh, your my rival I see" hafsaa said glaring her way.

That was how the shopping ended in a blur.

Tomorrow, they all will be leaving, till salah or when we are having ya salim wedding .

"Guys u and wedding it just seems to be in your blood".zurif said.

"Of course, it is, but we just can't wait. Seeing those 9ja weddings, ours will be out of the world. We are breaking record. Cause we are the Quaims."haleema said her hands in the air in a dancing  manner.

"Common u guys ain't the quaim, m the only quaim" qaim said.

"Says whose fooling himself?" zurafat asked.

The blaring went on. Before they all fell asleep.

The next day, . we all are ready for our daily activities, our plane is taking off by noon, so we got to go around and great the people mostly from anty husband sides. The palace.

The plane landed. The drive back home was blur, the house also. The driver helped us with our bags and trolley, I just can't wait tomorrow, we re resuming school and fasting at the same time.

I miss school, I went upstairs to my room. prayed zuhr plugged my phone and laptop tomorrow we resuming school, I just can't wait. I wanted calling mimi, but I was out of credit.

God I need some cash, I lay on my super comfy bed. wen I said that I really mean it, u need to get on the bed and see how it feels.

Never mind, a knock came on the door. Fatima graced her present, she sat on a love sit facing the door and sighted.

"Yoh sis you look tensed up" I started.

"I have to, I saw some witch, more like a wiccan" she said still tensed.

"Gosh! she's abbi guess, staying with us for a while he said" I explained face palming my self.

"Common! she doesn't seems so, she's been ordering the maids up and down, even ammi don't do that" she said again.

"I never get to see her ever since we returned." I stated truthfully.

"You beta not, its seems her daughters coming back, the house on fire cause of that."she said again.

"Common umimi, u don't av to say that, she's abbi guess and I trust him" I told her.

"It not like that manal, m just afraid, I seem not to trust her, she look nefarious, she can harm us or Abbi'' she added wanting to Break down.

"She won't, just trust urself and have faith" I encouraged.

We chatted for a while before she left for her room.


Aslam long time. so wahsapp with the chappy, so far . yes update won't be frequent but I did hope to do well need your prayers
                      Ongoing edition

Guys check out my new book titled "date of the dates "

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