Bonus Chapter

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Asalamu alaikum, how are you all doing. Hopefully fine, Masha Allah.

I got lots of complain about ending the book, and the chapters are so short and brief.

Then now I decided to add a bonus chapter before the epilogue comes, so enjoy.

Sited in front of her was a bowl full of variety of fruits sliced, a big bump and a fat looking manal sat leg straight in the living room with maids all over serving her.

"Maman baby two" came leema voice from outside the room, manal didn't need anyone to be told that the so gracious leema was coming.

Lemmah came into the room dressed elegantly, manal didn't throw any look her way because she was feigning been angry at her for not buying her the ice cream she promised to buy.

"Common Reina you know it's health wise for you and the babies" leema said pionting at manals big baby bump, the doctor said she's having big healthy babies in there.

"I know" manal said rolling her eyes, "but I got you this" leema said unwrapping the shawarma from the papers it was wrapped in, manal mouth dropped on the flour salivating, (literally).

She quickly snatched the shawarma from lemma and soon started munching on them, "oummmm I so much love it taste" manal said her eyes closed enjoying her meal.

The pain she felt in her belly was wat made her quickly open her eyes, "are you okay" leema said worriedly seeing manal's reaction.

Manal soon let go of the shawarma she was once holding and clutched onto her belly, this isn't anything near the cramp she gets this far worst, even the mensural pain she cry herself out from.

At the moment she couldn't see nor hear anything just the pain she was in, ya Allah she whispered.

"Get the queen mother and the king" leema shouted seeing the pain manal was going though, the scarf that was once tied loosely on her head has fall off the floor.

Salim and the queen mother aka mummy where already in the room, manal's water has already broke, Salim was already pacing up and down the corridor of the room.

Over 3hours nothing, mummy came out looking all sad and worried. She brust in tears, Salim couldn't take it anymore he walked into the room.

Manal was still in great pain all the nurses kept yelling push push push, but Salim felt like giving them all a tight slap across there chin.

Why will they be yelling over her ears after knowing she was already in great pain, Salim walked further into the room to manal, holding her hands tightly in hers, seeing the lil gesturing manal eyes opened.

Tears ran down, she shook her head negativity at salim with more tears running down her chin, Salim knew what she ment but no she will make it he believed she will.

"Sir we are sorry she has already lost much blood and she can't give birth herself" the doctor informed Salim removing the gloves from his hands.

Salim couldn't believe manal gave him the most wonderful gift in life and is not here with him, manal is gone gone and gone forever.

"Salim you have to be strong" he heard Ammis voice saying she was the only strong one among them but wait didn't she lost her child also.

Salim couldn't hold back the tears that where running down his chin, still not able to believe all that's was happening around him, first he lost his father both his father now manal the person he loved the most.

"You have a guest Salim" Ammi voice brought him back, it's almost two weeks since her death but all Salim get to do is sit and keep staring at his triplets, two male and a female.

The female look so exertly like her mother he felt inlove with her the moment he set his eyes on her, even before the news was broke to him.

He sat upright and walked out of the room nodding his head at Ammi saying the guest was in his private living room.

Nayara could feel the beating of her heart against her rib case, since after Salim pronounce the divorce on her, she fleed out of the country until a week ago when Sophia's call came informing her about manal's death.

Such is life she thought she never in her wildest dreams thought manal is going to die, all the fights, the shriek she has committed to separate Salim from manal is a waste now manal is gone and gone forever,...

The sound of his shoes was wat actually confirmed her doubt that Salim was actually coming, she felt her heart sank at the sight of him.

He looked so out of the world, his face looked so pale like a vampire drank out all the blood out of his body, large big dark cycle under his eyes, his lips dried, ohhh dear Salim nayara wanted to call out but didn't instead her eyes where glued on his face.

Salim didn't say a word to her instead he sat on the sofas at the far end of the room, first she didn't wanted coming but then saying a condolences won't hurt, Salim kept staring at her hoping she did disappear but no she didn't she just sat looking at him.

The two sat in a very uncomfortable silence, Salim didn't like it the way she sat look at him, wasn't he supposed to shout at her and ask why she was sited looking at him after been banished from the town.

But the promise he made to manal made him felt tongue tied, how was he supposed to start.

He quickly whipped the tears that ran down his tears, got up from his sit, "Salim" he stopped dead in his track not able to turn and face her.

"I know I did be the last person you will be expecting at this moment, but then am here Salim for you. Am also ashame of myself I don't know how to face my lord after commiting a great sin. But I know my lord is the most forgiving and merciful, may her soul rest in jannatul firdauzi" narraya prayed picking up to her bag to walk out from the room.

"Narraya" Salim called stopping her from twisting the door nob, she turned facing him not able to believe he just called her name.

"Read this" he said handing her a white pain sheet, nayyara expression was blank after reading the letter.

Tears filled her eyes, "ohh manal may your soul rest in peace" she kept saying holding the peice of paper close to her heart.

"I know I wronged you I never got the chance to ask for your forgiveness am sorry" nayyara kept saying.

Salim just kept staring at her ya Allah wat manal just said made him did was just out if the world but then it was her last wish.

"Salim marry nayyara again, she will take care if my children she was blinded by love" manal said before been pushed Into the operation room.

Salim closed his eyes tightly, not able to believe all the words she kept blarbing he thought she was just in pain but no manal saw she was dying.

She handed him a big beautiful boxes like trolley before been taken to the hospital to be operated, give my children if they grow up, and give this to nayyara don't forget you promised me.

She said in tears, drained from all the energy she has😭😭😭😭

Seriously this chapter wasn't planned but it got me crying.

So Salim is getting married to narraya again,.....

Not edited
Ongoing edition
All rights reserved
Aleeyu Xynab

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