🍯 Nigeria: queen responsible 🍯 Edited

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Asalamu alaikum beautiful people. How the quarantine stuff, may Allah protect us against Corona virus pandemic

The palace was on fire with yareema playing tantrums about the king leaving without a wife deos that means his not healthy or do he go to the whores.

Salim knew something of such must have happened but he has nothing to do about it yareema was actually a fire.

"Just wait and watch as I ruin you" yareema said to Salim in one of there meetings, Salim just acknowledge with a nod and a shallow smile that didn't reach the eyes.

Now that yarrema was talking about whose going to take over the queen responsible, Salim was stressed out calling Ammi to inform her about the least development.

And also the tantrums yareema was going to unfold was something else so knowing wah to do best to prevent it.

Ammi assured him, to let manal knows about everything and to get back to him.

Mummy was also stressed she wondered how manal will take this, she feared that everything will come to an end. now that yareema is playing games. 

"Mummy I trust manal she won't do anything stupid I trust her and besides she deosnot have anybody she loves and I think it will be easy" Salim said to his mother but still he wasn't feeling easy himself just that someone has to stand up and his the king here.

"Salim all your say is you  trust manal, do you have any idea of the mess we will be in if she reject this marriage" mummy asked Salim in a sad tone.

She feared everything bouncing back. And yareema wasn't one to be trust.

" Mummy if by any chance manal doesn't accept the marriage, I did divorce her. After all she isn't the only girl, nayyara will fit in" Salim said getting angry at how his mother was all after manal.

It not even about who takes over the queen responsibilities. Mummy will be the queen mother and then does any responsibility need to be taken again.

" Salim you know I don't like that girl, it better if you stop mentioning her name. You can't even think of marring her, hafsaa is my choice for you and that final" mummy said storming out of the.

Salim just face palmed himself why isn't she understanding him his such in a big mess.

After the queen take over her responsibilities, he was sure the heir will be next.

" Long live the king, yareema wants to see you" a maid dressed smartly in a black and white uniform informed bowing down in respect.

He dismissed her with a hand wave. Sitting up straight he just doesn't get why Yareema was all over him.

"Ya Allah" he mumbled, this stress along can make him go mad.


Days passed by with no  improvement, with the lot troubles of yareema who was displaying it everyday.

"Mummy am just going to ask for nayyara hands" Salim stated. It was obvious he was tired of yareema trouble.

It was all know in the kingdom that Salim was living without a wife which only proves yareema words his luring around with sluts.

"He wasn't fit to be the king" was the rumors rumbling around the place.

Salim feared wat yareema was up to. He could get him dethroned. His greatest fear.

"Salin, nothing of such will happened. Hafsaa is the right choice for you" Fatima the queen mother stated.

She was adamant on not letting any woman come into this palace. All the king's had one wife's then why did Salim want more than one.

"But mu.."

"No but Salim, you ain't getting married to any girl. Do you by any chance know what it means to have more than one wife Salim?" Mummy asked.

She needed to make it clear to salim that she isn't letting him get marry not as long as she's alive.

She left reluctantly to her room getting her phone, dialing Ammi's number. She sat on the royal bed patiently waiting for her to pick.

"Asalamu alaikum" she paid her greeting after Ammi picked.

After there normal talks hajiya Fatima the queen mother, decided to go straight to the point.

"Halima Salim want to get married again" the words left her mouth, she rested her back.

Ammi heaves a sign "Fatima you should let him do wat he want to". Ammi was been truthful she knows manal's won't accept this marriage not to salim.

"Haleema, it not about letting him get married, I want hafsaa as the queen of daura. And not any other girl" mummy said.

"Okay I'll let hafsaa now right away about the whole marriage stuff. Then we wait for her response" Ammi told mummy .

" Or should I come tell her myself?" Mummy asked she was desperately.

" Just calm down, I'll try my best"

Asalamu alaikum.
Salim want a second wife.
Will manal accept the marriage.

Comment and tell me wat you think.

Next chapter going to be lit

Last Friday before Ramadan

Ramadan Mubarak

All rights reserved
Aleeyu xynab

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