🍯halal Queen🍯 Edited

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The queen mother is sited by the bed where manal was laying down it over a month now after regaining her conscious the doctors made sure she was bed rest.

Salim has been trying his best to be on manal's right side but she won't even look at him, when every she heard him around she close her eyes and never open them until she's sure he lives the room,

Today wasn't an exception Salim had came over to her chamber since when he was done with his cases at the court house, even slept on the white plastic chair placed close to her bed for who ever came visiting but manal been manal refused to open her eyes.

She believes ones her eyes meet with salim's she will forget everything and hug the hell out of him, she couldn't care about the baby because she missed him so much, his smell was what she always yawned for opening her eyes to see herself in his arms is always what she dreams of but she doubt of her dreams is ever coming true. He got tried and left now she was sure he wasn't the one close to her.

Feeling a hand in hands which she's sure isn't salim's made her slightly open her eyes, they fell on mummy's worried face.

"If you keep closing your eyes that way, I wonder how the babies eyes will be" she heard haleema vioce said jokingly.

Manal darted her eyes to haleema, she was dressed beautiful just like every designer should.

"Reina, you need to get over this soon I have some new collection am sure will suit you with that bump" haleema added when she was sure manal wasn't going to say anything to her.

And truth to her words haleema came on the bed showing her collection book to manal's face, who looked at them in aww  they really are beautiful.

Salim took them all bye surprised walking into the room his eyes looked around the room with haleemah on the bed with manal, mummy sited on the plastic chair he always occupied.

Manal didn't Know what to do should she close her eyes and keep pretending or just brave up and embrace her greatest fair. Closing her eyes for some breif second, yareema was already in the room.

Shouldn't he at least give them time to dress up properly she thought, never the less she was dressed decent in a piece of boubou a veil wrapped around her head the duvet cover half her body.

Clearing his throat as though a president wanted to talk Salim thought in his mind rolling his eyes at yareema's face.

"Asalamu alaikum" he greeted, mummy was the only one that answered his prayer openly the rest occupant of the room did it in there heart.

Yareema sat on the three sitter sofa that was behind the door in the room, "the head queen is sick, I'll order Salim to take another wife Which I suggest meanah to be" was the word that left yareema's mouth with no shame striking Salim hard.

Mummy jaws dropped looking at yareema hatefully, manal just gave him a deathly glare not minding if he sees her or not.

At least he shouldn't suggested a rival for her that to her face, lalai this man is a devil himself.

"Yareema!! Manal is my halal queen and am never going to take a second wife as long as she's alife, I'll love her till death do us apart" Salim said bitterly across his voice just the nerves of yareema.

Yareema felt kind of disrespected and insulted but who was he kidding he also knows deep down Salim was never going to marry his daughter his going to arrange an engagement for her with the president son.

It wasn't like he also wanted his daughter and Salim, just that she loved him for over years and he watched his daughter getting hurt he knows how he felt to not been love in return just like what happened between him and her mother.

The words Salim said kept repeating in manal's ear she so much love this man that is sitting across her she thought...



The end
😪😭😭😭😭 Salim and manal finally had made it I'll decide on an epilogue or not 😭😭


I love you all

Ongoing edition
All rights reserved
Aleeyu xynab

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