🍯picknick🍯 Edited

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Am so exhausted, here I am, in the living room downstairs, with umimi , ya salim. Ammi was out of the town,  I think since before we left for wah ya salim, call sight seeing. It was actually more than that, I won't go any sight seeing with him again.

"I did say, am in love with this city already, mostly the new york state museum" umimi said in an amazed vioced.

"Yes I know u re hella" I said annoyed at her, both of them are annoying. I was exhausted and a bit kind off moody, I think its my period, its just annoying sometimes.

"Am, we re sorry, adda manal" ummimi said, which made me looked at her, was I hallucinating or wah the fatimah I know calling me adda, could this day get any beta.

Ya salim was giving that ur  a nonsensical chatter look, "buh u don't have to be pulling an attitude, my dear sister" he said, engulfing me in a side hug. which made a tear slip from my eyes, now crying uncontrollably in his hug. All he did was comforting me, he didn't stop me, he let me cried to my fill, as I dripped into my la land.


The next thing I knew, was waking up on my super comfy bed. I walked into the loo as I was having my crap, and I know that Wah made me emotional.

Well ya salim was used to my cries during my period, and he knew today wasn't an exception.

Taking a quick shower, I was already in a mess now, dressed in a skimpy black jeans and a peech sleeveless shirt, I walk to ammi room. Her room was upstairs, the house was having five room, all up. All re in the same hall way, ammi's room was the second by the left. I salamed before entering the room. I just hope she's back I need some aspirin for my crap.

Ammi and ya salim, were discussing bout something, I wasn't aware of before they where aware of my present. I engulfed ammi in a hug, "Ammi nah, I miss u" I said in a baby vioce wanting to cry.

"Awwn my baby manal, I miss u too" she said rubbing my hair.

"Ammi, she has been a baby since, emotional she even cried early then slept off, buh here she is, wanting to cry again" came ya salim teasing voice.

Arrghhh I scream in my brain I also think some times, why am psycho

"Common salim, u should leave my baby alone" Ammi  said also teasingly.

Sticking my tongue out at ya lulu😜

Flashing a glare my way, buh I cared less at the moment.

"Beta go get ready, we going for a picnicking" he asked faking an American accent.

Not to say, he has this stupid blacks accent, mix with a Hausa tongue and I just love the way he speaks, I always get lost in them.

"Its not picnicking, its called a picnic" I managed saying rolling my eyes at him.

"Wahever, the case maybe just go away" he shunted me out of the room.

Making faces before finally walking back to my room to dress decently like ya said. I wasn't in the mood so I just ware a purple abaya on my skimpy  cloths.


"So ya, wen will we start school" umimi asked ya, well we are in a very beautiful park, having a picnick wah ya called it

"Umii! u re starting on Monday" he informed. That's actually wah he calls her, ever since he learned the truth from her.

"Wait, I don't get it, why is she the only one going to school?" I asked getting furious

We where back from the picknick, I did say the food were so spicy and delicious making, a mental note to order from the restaurant.

"Well the thing is that, u are not going to start school anytime soon. Because your result has to be Ready, before u get an admission" he explained.

I now get It, I was just done with my secondary school and the bitched caused all this I said in frustration.

"Sorry" ya said panting my hair does he know his annoying me more argghhh. He make me feel small


Asalm Dearie's how re u all hope Alhmdulilah masha Allah update will be frequent that's if u make me happy always.


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Aleeyu xynab

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