🍯 Nayyara 🍯 Edited

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Alhaji Kabir zayd is a well known business man across Nigeria, he was born and brought up in nasarawa state

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Alhaji Kabir zayd is a well known business man across Nigeria, he was born and brought up in nasarawa state. Keffi in particular.

He got married to a fulani woman hajiya saadatu,who they live a happily until when hajiya saadatu couldn't conceive.

She became worried and hopeless afraid her husband might add a second wife, kishiya for her.

They visited many hospital and doctor but across Nigeria and the world but the reply was all same.

"Alhaji you are all fine just wait for the right time" they doctors will say but hajiya saadatu is worriedly sick.

After almost three years of thier marriage hajiya saadatu became sick and wen they went to the hospital she was tested pregnant.

Their joy new no bond finally thier dreams will come true, all over the family the heir is going to be born.

Untill when hajiya saadatu gave birth to a baby girl did the story changed a lot of people where disappointed including hajiya saadatu she never thought of giving birth to a female child, but who was she after the all.

Alhaji Kabir was very Happy he was a father holding his child in a wrapped towel.

He was at his office when a call came from the hospital informing him his wife has given birth.

At that instance he bowed in a very thankful prayer praying and thanking his lord for fulfilling his dream of seeing his own blood praise to the lord.

Alhaji Kabir family were a bit disappointed after the birth of nayyara's his wife couldn't convince again they where persistent that Kabir should that a second wife. At that point nayyara wasn't a child she was in second school.

Hajiya saadatu was not happy what will she do, look at her husband get married to a small girl then she takes over everything.

Laminde was saadatu only sister and also step sister, she never likes saadatu but never showed because of her kindness to her.

She always advise her sister to go see a soccer concerning the matter but, saadatu never gives head to her advices.

Lamindo hurriedly paid the racksh man walking into the mud house, the house was a one room house, a toilet sititued at the far end of the house.

There was no sign of a female in the house, which didn't bother most of the client visiting the boka.

A short man was sited over a tray of Sandy soil a very big Calabash placed next to it.

The short man raised his big red eyes looking at lamindo before saying.

" Go and come with her" she hurriedly left the house straight to her sister's.

Saadatu was sited bye her bed doing her azkars when her sister came,

" Sannu da zuwa ya" saadatu greeted rubbing her prayers around her face and body.

" Yauwa" lamindo answered plainly turning her face in disgust saadatu knowing her sister didn't say anything to her again.

" Nane!!" Saadatu called on her maid on arriving she ordered her to bring some refreshments for her sister.

After taking a sip from her chill water without even saying Bismillah she turned to face her sister.

"Don't tell me you will just sit and watch over another woman taking over all this" lamindo said, frowning her face in disgust.

" Ya, whatever happened was destined to...."
Saadatu start but the glare her sister was sending her way made her shut up.

" Destiny you say, ance inkanada kyau ka hada da wanka (they said if you are beautiful add up with bathing) besides who knows the destiny you are calling upon yourself, mallamin will only help you pray to God I don't know why you are stingy" lamindo said getting all angry.

" Yaya, now what do you want me to do" saadatu asked she didn't know where her sister was heading to anymore.

If it's praying she can pray for the whole night till she dies but nothing can stop the destined to happen.

" Just get ready let's go see him now" lamindo said, giving no room for argument.

Saadatu wore her hijab taking her car key and left to the mallams house.

She was astonished with what the mallams said, she should go away with her husband on a Monday night very far away, but what does that even mean.

She made up her mind at least if that was what will make her husband not add a second wife,

"Hubby, I want us to go for a vacation only the two of us it been long since that happened" saadatu said in there bed night time.

" Okay wifey where do you want us to go" her husband said inhaling her scent.

She believed that a way of keeping her husband must be from any juju, you are a woman and must have ways around your husband.

Meanah was nayyara best friend since from diaper but along the line of growing up.

Meanah's hatred for nayyara kept growing, because she has it all.

When the couple's went for there trip and never came back, they had a plane crash along the way, and lamindo also died together with the mallam no one get to Know the reason behind there vacation.


Asalamu alaikum dear how are you all.

You Know I never wanted publishing but I can't 🙈 I love you all so much and this chapter is for khadyjatt 😉 she loves nayyara so mich.

So what do you think about nayyara and who is meanah. ..

aishergalema yes dear also for you she personally beg for this update so here it is as promised 💋

I love you all


All rights reserved
Aleeyu xynab

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