🍯 Unconscious🍯 Edited

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Asalam yess guys your girl is back please forgive me but m back 😘❤️and I love you all.

Iftar Mubarak to you all who fasted may Allah reward us.


"Yes the maids Is set" meanah said,

She was sitting in one of the royal soffas in nayyara's living room upstairs.

They were having a chat about how the plan will work out.

"I just hope she doesn't mess everything up" nayyara said afraid the maid will not ruin there special plans.

" No I trust her not to do anything stupid" meanah said with a mischievous grin.

" You know all this maids" nayyara said with a worried expression.

The two friends chatted away feeling happy thier planes will soon start, "but wat do you think if everything back fire on us" nayyara asked yet again worried.

Her supposed poisoned food was brought to her by one of her maids dressed in black and white.

"Where the bedsheets"meanah asked for the bedsheets stained with blood ignoring nayyara questions, to serve as prove for miscarriage.

Nayyara pointed at a basket close to her closet door, meanah spread the white blood stained bedsheets, then she moved to the door and closed it with key.

"Come and eat" meanah motioned for her to eat the food but nayyara won't bug.

She was already shivering from fear, meanah just suppressed her laughter, "see how you are behaving, nobody will bite you." Meanah said to nayyara who was taking the food forcefully as though it was actually poisoned.

"Your highness the princess fainted"a maid came running into the court room were Salim was having meeting with his cabinet members.

He rosed to his feet and everybody did the same, he didn't ask for more information, he just matched to nayyara's chamber with people trailing behind him.

The news reached queen mother, Fatima. And the head queen manal.

Queen mother, manal and leemah were in mummies living room Gisting about there up coming family vacation, and the girl qiam fell in love with, when the maids came informing them.

It was the first time both of them stepping foot into her chamber but was expensively furnished sparkling clean smelling of bukor.

They where meet with nayyara almost lifeless body lying on the blood stain bed shit.

They rushed into the room Salim was also there standing watching over her.

The royal nurse arrived just like they planned everything.

She greeted them all out of respect with a shivering body she moved to where nayyara was lying down and examined her pulse.

She was fine just the act they are putting on
"She lost the child" the royal nurse announced, the whole place was pin drop silence.

"Is she poisoned" meanah asked for the first time since the family members arrived.

"We have to take some test to know that" the royal nurse said bring out a string to take sample of her blood for test.

"We should let her rest, the maids should clean this mess"manal said motioning at her bed.

Meanah send a dead glare her way, but manal cared less about it.

"It should be like she was poison or not she could be infected, with such blood" manal added again.

The maids where already set to work, the nurse excused herself e get the test done, meanah followed after the nurse to make sure nothing goes out of plane.

"Nurse you will have to say she's poisoned no matter what, I don't cadamre"meanah said already lossing her calm, maybe nayyara was at least right there planes will back fire upon them the so call manal of a girl is so smart and full of herself, and the Soo call King is dump enough not to say anything..

"I'll try my best but make sure am not involved if things goes wrong" the nurse warned.

Meanah gripped her by the wrist painful, "you will do as I say" she said though gritting teeth.

She let go of the nurse who hurriedly walked off.

Manal and queen mother were still in nayyara's chamber when the nurse came back.

After the pleasantries she started. " It seems sh...she w.wa..wass poisoned" she finished with a shaking hands and trembling lips.

Queen mother was speechless at the very moment when the words left binta the royal nurse mouth.

"How is that even possible" manal asked, wen everyone was mute.

"Maybe the food she was served" meanah chipped in knowing the nurse won't do anything good.

She was already behaving like a culprit.

"Get the food"Salim ordered.

The remaining food was brought where the put the poison in.

"It doesn't smell but get the maids that cook the food" Salim ordered.

The room became silent again, when the guards went in charge of the maid.

Manal excused herself to receive a call.

"Your highness the queen fell unconscious" a maid came running.

They all rushed to manal leaving nayyara who on clue opened her eyes.

"I just hope she's not pregnant" she whispered to meanah, who let her cry.


Gen gen gen !!

Holla moi feful.

How unada.

Why will manal faint kuma, who knows.

Is she pregnant 😂😂

See you all in two weeks time 😋


Aleeyu xynab
Ongoing edition
All rights reserved

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