🍯fire and ice🍯 Edited

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Manal's outfit for dinner.

The sun shone every were was cool just the sound of early morning birds was heard.

The dinner was over and manal was now the head queen. And her duties starts as soon as possible taking over the duties from the queen mother.

Nayyara wasn't appointed any official position, just a member like ever other member of the royal family.

She hated everything and the fire in her was already becoming wild each day all she aimed at was her revenge.

She waited each day counting them in her calendar waiting for meanah to return to set her planes to work.

Meanah is yareema Mai jiran garo only female daughter she was just like her father her heart filled with envy.

She envied everything about nayara unknown to her, now it was her planes she will make work using nayyara who was blinded by jealousy for her co wife.

Just like every other day manal was sitted in her living room with haleemah and daddy Gisting about everything and nothing.

Wen a maid came informing them about the king's present in the other living room.

Manal was dumped she heard no idea on wat going on.

Haleema pushed her into the living room. Salim was sitted leg crossed like the king he was.

She was first welcomed by his sweet scent that sent her lower tummy flipping.

"Ya Allah"she murmured walking deeper into the room her head low watching the clean marble.

She couldn't fathom why exertly she was having such feeling that too around Salim he was just her ya.

No he isn't things has changed alot he was now a king and also her husband. Her inner voice.

After paying her respect to him by greeting him she still didn't look up to his face she kept fidging with the Hem of her lappaya.

Yes today she wasn't wrapped in the clothes she love which where set of pants. she just had herself wrapped in one of those beautiful clothes, she looked more beautiful than the manal I know my little manal, untill things got ruined no not ruined.

Salim kept on looking at her taking in all her features he missed this creature very well.

After a while of ackward silent which salim was enjoying. She was nothing like nayyara she seems more calmer and matured for her age.

If it was nayyara she could have probably damage his ear drums by now with her complains.

But why was he even complaring the two he thought, they were both different poles miles apart until he drew them closer.

Manal was an ice very calm while on the other hand nayyara was a burning fire which he find them all funny.

She was still playing with the Hem of her clothes with her slender fingers decorated with head henna.

"Wow I like your hands" he complemented. Manal just blushed murmuring a thank you audible enough for him to hear.

Salim actually misses her a lot that was why he came here for some catching up but it seems they are now total stranger.

Still looking at her he was now restless as to how to even break the news to her he couldn't but trying will do.

"How are you" he asked again this time trying to start up a conversation.

Manal just looked up to him for a brief seconds before she down cast her eyes again.

" Am ....f.. Alhmdulilah" she shuttered contemplating weather to ask about him or not.

"How are you" she asked with a small smile placed on her lips, after settling on her mind to just ask about him maybe to also apologize to him if she did anything unknowingly.

" Am uhmmmm fine" Salim said much to himself he was now resting his back on the couch, his eyes slightly closed.

Eyyerh poor him she thought his sleeping now snoring a bit.

She brought out her iPhone 11pro and took videos of him sleeping then send it to him with a huge smile on her face, she misses her ya so much.

Manal placed her sweety hands on his to adjust his sleeping position but she woke him up.

He opened his eyes which was welcomed by her beautiful smiley face.

"Sorry uhmmmm I woke you up" she apologized her cheeks were heated with a priceless blush.

Salim just smile at himself before taking her hands into his then closing back his eyes.


Happy democracy day Nigeria 🇳🇬🇳🇬

Asalamu alaikum Peeps. How are we all Masha Allah,

So who do you think is more beautiful between manal or nayyara.

And wat !!!!! It seems ya Salim and manal are back😉

Whose excited, well I am.

I need 50vote😭😭

If you really need an update anytime soon, yess an done with this book. While waiting for an update you can check date of the date my ongoing book or any other written by me😁 I love you all.

Don't forget to

Ongoing edition
All rights reserved
Aleeyu xynab

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