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Mimi and manal are at the waiting area, waiting for Mimi's driver.

Mimi phone ranged.

"ya umma!!,,I miss u so much" Mimi said breaking the hug, after they got their bags they left the airport shortly.

"so how's school" umma asked the girls, they were now all sited in the leaving room, upstairs after they had dinner.

"school is amazing" Mimi said giggling with the thoughts of falcon in her mind she missed him.

"fine, manal dear do u need anything" umma asked manal who was just watching the movie showing on the TV.

"no ummi am fine." she replied her eyes still glued to the TV.

umma left the girls to her room.

"keh guess wah" Mimi asked manal who was taking a spoon full of chocolate froster with no care in the world.

"Baz is coming to Nigeria, to see me! like he said he missed my face Mimi said with excitement." manual just the rolled her eyes resuming watching her series.

"you know what, you are a buzz killer" Mimi said walking out of the room.

shrugging off her shoulder, taking a spoon full of her chocolate with no care left in the world.


After ordering there ice cream, they sat down each engrossed with his phone before Mimi finally said.

"we will live for bauchi, maybe a day or two but we will branch to kastina, in the process" Mimi said taking a spoon full of her ice cream.

manal seems lost in her thoughts, taking the ice cream absent mindly.

"hi" Mimi waved at her face before asking her, Wat was up with her.

"well actually ya, I couldn't remember the last time, we talked am having this stupid feelings" manal said face palming herself.

''you always over react, it's just a or two day fah and you are going to kastina, why been nervous all of a sudden." Mimi said now standing up To go shopping.

they chatted for a while shopping

"today's, is such a hectic day " manal complainned, a yawn escaped her lips "And the weather here isn't helping" she said taking off her sun shades.

"huh you have actually started talking like an actual British" Mimi said rolling her eyes and flipping her Imaginary hair.

Manal also rolled her eyes at her before murmuring a wahever.

"you know what" Mimi asked becoming serious.

''no until u say." manual said taking a sip of her soda.

"well Baz (falcon), is really serious about this, he want us to be married like soon" Mimi said playing with her fingers becoming nervous.

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