🍯 Afraid of charm🍯 Edited

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Dedicated the whole chapter to hamrabarkindo guys she actually lightened my sore mood thank you so much really appreciated your efforts.
She was the first to vote on the previous chappy right 😉 come get a hug. So share with as much people as you could don't forget to tap the lil star to vote and hit the comments bottom to comment what you think about the chapter


"I just couldn't believe that nayyara or wah ever her name is. How could she blame me for the poison and went gone" manal ranted, since when Lima told her about nayyara issue she became aggressive shouting at the maids with little mistakes.

She let them search for the maid who said she was the one who made her put the stuff in nayyara's food, but the maid was no where to be found maybe she left for her dear life.

"Get out" hafsaa thundered at a maid who was still standing by the door,"dey are all annoying" she huffed. Lima just looked at manal afraid if she says anything the story will chance.

"Reina don't you think you are too harsh on them" Lima stated calmly, she didn't want manal to take it somehow.

"Harsh you said, didn't dey take it harsh with me also" manal asked "am done been kind to people wallahi" she said adjusting herself on the bed.

Salim was sitted by the bed, his hands place over his head. He was suffering from a margarine a terrible one, "my Lord" a maid called bowing down in respect. Salim didn't seem to notice her,"y
Your highness" she called again afraid something Happened to his Highness but it seems Salim was sleeping.

She stood up,and left the room. Soon she came back with mummy trailing behind her with her Alkaiba flying.
"Salim" mummy called but he still wasn't responding.

"Ya illahi what happening to him, get the doctor" she shouted the maids left to call the doctor.

Manal and Lima cam right on track, they were welcomed with salim's Condition, it was obvious he was having a very high fever.

He was now lying down. Manal help remove his cloths he was only left with boxers no maids was allowed into the room.

"His Highness is suffering from a very high fever, which is caused because of stress but we injected him. Hopefully the fever will run down before 24hours." The royal doctor informed, mummy walked him to the second floor before returning back to the room.

The night was quite and cool just the crippling sound of the birds could be heard, nayyara was sitted in the middle of the bed her hair all over her face, her legs where folded she sat on top of it.

Her phone placed over her ears listening to whatever was playing, then she removed it.
"Seriously jidderh you should just go alone, we will talk tomorrow" she recorded. It seemed she was vioce chatting with jidderh over the phone.

"Nayyara" Sophia called entering the room, she was dressed in a pink knee length gown. She settled on the bed looking at nayyara.

"Hi girl" nayyara waved after placing her phone on the side drawer.

"How are you," Sophia asked, she was really concerned with nayyara but nayyara doesn't seems to understand, she was taking this too hard upon herself. It was already obvious that Salim never liked her in the first place, but she went ahead and walked into his life.

Now that she was needed back at the place she doesn't want to go back until her stupid revenge is done, which is an all thnkx to jidderh ideas.

"Sophia" nayyara called breaking Sophia out of her train of thoughts. "Are you alright" she further asked.

Sophia moved into the bed, took nayyara's hands in hers before saying "no am not alright, am worried about you. seriously I suggest you just go back home, they need you in the palace nayyara. Salim made a mistake and his sorry".

"No Sophia, I can't go back not now how am I suppose to face them all, that girl have to pay for everything she made me go through.
Salim's mother never likes me because she was always there, Sophia she is her niece. And am a nobody" nayyara stopped whipping away her tears.

"But wallahi they have to pay, that manal will pay for what ever I went though. I don't care what happens next, weather Salim hates me afterwards or not, I don't I love him any more they have to pay"..


"Good morning mummy" manal greeted the queen mother mummy stood up engulfing manal in a bear hug.

The dinner room was very quiet, Salim wasn't eating his food he was just playing with the fork on his hand. Mummy noticed him, but let him be. Soon they where done Salim was the first to excuse himself.

Manal eyes followed him which didn't go unnoticed by the head queen who just shook herHead.

Seriously I Know the chappy is a bit cheesy, inshallah will go though it when am editing, so what do we think Don't forget to vioce it out in the comments section 😉 and tap the lil star to fill it up❤️

I love you all 😉

Ongoing edition
All rights reserved
Aleeyu xynab

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