🍯 Death or going mad🍯 Edited

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Salim was already in a deep mess or was it shit, wat so ever the case was. He knew mummy was dead serious nayyara have to be back.

But why can't she understand him, nayyara went against him, as her husband, and supposed she will come back herself but no the case with him was a total different case he was the one they want to run after her, like a lost puppy, he thought huffing the air out in annoyance.

"Could you believe nayyara left" haleema tried to bring up the most talked about thing in the palace, manal just looked at her, the topic really did get her attention.

"Why" she founded herself asking, which really made haleema delighted maybe manal wasn't actually lost, maybe she was just grieving but with time everything will fall back into place, insha Allah haleema thought.

"Why pin the blame on me" manal asked dump as to why nayyara will claim her as the one who poisoned the so call food she eat before losing her child.

Haleema has briefed her with everything, "Salim left in search of her" haleema yet again added, the expression in manal face was shocked and evidently clear but before a span of second she was able to max it off.

"Wow then I have to get ready for her, the nerves of that nayyara"manal said, "no riena we shouldn't pick a the fight" lemma tried. But manal mind was far from been made and nothing was going to stop her no one and no thing.

"Nayyara could you stop all this none sense, the palace is in chaos because you went MIA" meanah said on the phone to nayyara who refused to let her about her where about.

"Meanah it's not about the palace or everything at this point I don't care, if everyone is hurt as far as am happy then fine" nayyara yelled whipping away the tears that where tickling out of her eyes, rolling down her chin.

She whipped the tears off "I have to go meanah" she excused herself cutting the call.

"Are you alright" Sophia head popped through the door asking nayyara.

"Not really, I feel sick and tired," nayyara whispered.

Sophia was already in the room, she taking nayyara hands in hers rubbing it assuring.

"Dear, Everything will be alright and fine" Sophia consoled."no I don't think so, nothing will be fine as long as am hurting" nayyara stated sadly.

They door bell was ranged, Sophia excused herself to get the door.

Since when nayyara left the palace she couldn't summon the courage to walk back home to her uncle's house, she knew all her family will be sick worried about her.

But then her revenge is what matters at this time.

"Girl!" she heard jidderh's voice shaking her out of her thoughts, she just smiled at her which didn't reach the eyes.

"Are you sick" jidderh further asked again, because nayyara didn't look like her normal self to her, jidderh is there friend a daughter of a senator who has her ways with what every she want.

"Don't tell me you are going to let them go free you have to take action girl" jidderh said after hearing nayyara's story from Sophia.

"Yes I Know am going to revenge" nayyara said in a tear like vioce the thing was that she didn't even know what the revenge will be.

" I have this mallam, nayyara he works perfect" jidderh suggested. It wasn't a surprise to the friends because they new how cunning jidderh can be.

"No mallam will be brought in this" Sophia stated, she wasn't a perfect muslimah but shriek where Never among her luggage of sins, never she thought.

"I'll pay the bills nayyara but wallahi you have to revenge, what other way do you think you can get Salim all to yourself, you can either kill that stupid small girl you call rival or send her mad" jidderh said evilly.

Yes they all knew she wasn't one to be stepped upon and go scut free.

"No she can't just kill a living being because she wanted a man all to herself jidderh, it's very wrong" Sophia tried stopping nayyara but it seemed jidderh words where already settled in her heart.

"Says who commit great sins" jidderh said to Sophia mockingly.

"You guys should stop please enough with the fights" nayyara stopped them, her head was already pounding and dey ain't helping matters not at all.

"Sophia, jidderh is right there no way I can revenge, no way. Maybe the mallam will help," nayyara said after hours of silence, she has already made up her mind to take her revenge. Just maybe sending manal to her Grave will make her have all wat was rightfully hers.



Who do we think will win Salim and the throne now🤣🤣 it's seems yareema, yayi sanyi fah😉
Nayyara wants to Start magic o.
Abeg comment wetin you think

Asalam guys seriously I ain't feeling motivated any longer, and the whole of this book has been drifted already just hoping you guys will make me finish it within a month or so

Ongoing edition
All rights reserved
Aleeyu xynab

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