🍯Halal 👑 🍯 Edited

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The place was filled up with lots of people, who all came because of the wedding.

yareema, Mai jiran gado was hell belt on making Salim marry just to ruin his life, and those mischievous smirks were not living his face.

"toh the goro has been distribution" yareema informed a tired looking mummy she was disturbed as to how to break the news to Ammi.

buh then, she has to inform her and things really need to be done.

forcing a smile on her face not replying him, she marched to her room, nodding her head to who every she came across with.

"ya Allah, mummy are you alright" qiam asked his distorted looking mother, who has lost alot of weight and faded after the dismissal of their father.

They all knew, she was trying to be strong but then her Strenght was also getting finished.

she gathered the remaining energy left, sending smile his way, before walking pass him to ammi room. taking hot sharp breath to calm her self, before pushing the door.

the parlour was empty which meant, she was in the bed house.

the room was also empty sitting on the bed patiently waiting for her, because it has to be now or never she knows she might not agree to all this but she trusted her.

walking out of the shit house was ammi from all indication she had her ablution on.

signing to her to  carry on with her prayers, ammi did as she was assigned went on.

she was done in no time, she could sense that something was actually wrong, because Fatima was no longer herself.

mummy (fatima), was deep lost in her thoughts as to how to break the news , but she was finding it a bit heavy.

"nace ki daina wanna tunanin, his in a better please now" ammi consoled sitting  close to mummy on the bed.

"nasani amman, it's okay for me to think I lost him and now everything is crashing down." mummy said almost breaking  down but didn't instead she took ammi's hand in hers.

"yes just keep on praying everything will be back to normal."
Ammo adviced rubbing  her hands in a consoling way.

"nothing will be normal nothing, yarema mai Jiran gado wants to have the throne because Salim is still a bachelor, he has no wife" mummi said almost  breaking  down, but at least finding it easy to start.

"yes I know, but don't he has anyone in mind?" ammi asked thinking of any girl in mind.

"no he doesn't, I want him to get married to hafsaa" mummy stated truthfully.

"hafsa!?" ammi asked with eyes wild as sauce "they ....do he love her?" she asked confused because, it doesn't even make any sense to her.

"no I have longed, wanted this buh then the time never comes, I" mummy shuttered "I think now is the right time" she added looking  deep into ammi  eyes

ammi was lost in thought, as in how her daughter will fit it an arranged marriage that to with Salim who she look at as her brother.

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