🍯 Expecting a child🍯 Edited

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Dressed elegantly was manal, she was going around the village to help, distribute some food stuff to poor people Mostly widows, with no husband to help.

Part of the head queen duties. She sighed putting on the cap then the alkarba. " No royalty walk without it " mummy's words.

Salim was sitted on a sit looking at her every move, he couldn't pinpoint wat he was actually feeling about her, all he knows was he think of her all the time, he yawn for her.

"Tada am done" manal sang happily gaining back his attentions, he blinked nodding his head flashing her his killer smile.

They walked hand in hand down the long hallway to the second floor, stopping at the stair case a maid came panting for breath.

"Your highness princess nayyara blacked out" she Informed gasping for air.

Both manal and Salim became alarmed, the king rushed to nayyara's chamber in full speed after wishing manal a save trip.

She was asleep when he got to the room her face was normal but the royal nurse said she needed some rest. Some test will be carried out on her.

Meanah excused herself from nayyara side when Salim arrived she needed to inform the nurse about the plan at hand.

She cut up the nurse on the last floor, meanah greeted her saying she would like to have a word with her.

The nurse was alarmed at first, " am not going to hurt you", meanah said "as far as you stick to my words" she added this time with an evil smirk.

"How are you feeling" Salim asked nayyara after she opened her eyes, she really need some rest he thought. Only now did he see the state she was in,...

"Alhmdulilah" she murmured enough for him to hear, her voice was all hush, her head was blasting like it did pain her. She knows it was the effect of the herb.

She was given some herbs by meanah, it will show signs of pregnancy for some hours before it becomes less effective.
She could start feeling some pain in her abdomen, 'ya Allah Grant me the strength to endure this' she prayed.

Salim just looked at her pitifully before drafted back to sleep. He adjusted the blanket over her body, placed a light kiss on her forehead. A smile formed on her lips she wasn't asleep but very week,...

The royal nurse came into the room all serious " long life your royal highness" she praised bowing her head in respect.

Salim let her do the praises to her fill he didn't stop her, she was feeling very nervous. She didn't know where to start from.
" My king the princess is expecting a baby" she finally let the lie roll out of her tongue, Salim look at her briefly.

He held his stare on nayyara faces for so long.

Ya Allah he will be expecting his blood child that too from her.

He didn't Know what to feel at the moment should he be happy or sad, he rubbed his hair back and fro.

Why is he emotionless he couldn't figure out. He just placed another kiss on her forehead, excusing himself out of the room he needed fresh air,

"I have done everything" meanah said to yareema his smile was wild.

" Let me have the record" he said still with the smile, he made meanah record her conversation with manal and also with the royal nurse.

Meanah handed the record trap to her father who was smiling like he won a lottery.

"So father" what's the next plane"she asked.

"Just wait and watch salim as I ruin you" yareema said after dismissing meanah, it was his turn to play his role. He smiled wildly.


The news about nayara pregnancy fled the whole of the palace, the queen mother was shocked after receiving the news. She never wanted things to be like this, at least manal should be pregnant before the excuse of a girl nayyara she never liked her.

Manal is the head queen and is suppose to be the one to produce the heir. It only mean one thing now, nayyara will be the real head queen. She has to do something now, manal should also be pregnant she thought. ' I will just wait for her to return first ' the queen mother said to herself.

" So now that your second wife is pregnant, will she be the head queen" yareema let the words flow out of his mouth, which left Salim dumb.

He couldn't say a word he just stare at yareema with amazement.

" The king is annoyed with wat you said" a royal guard announced, yareema glared at the guard dismissing him.

But the royal guard didn't flinch, he stood his ground,.... Yareema got pissed off and stormed out his alkaba flying with him in the air like he did land the sky😁


Who like where we are going......

Who saw all this coming 💋😜

Next chapter gonna be lit😁
See you all in two weeks time.


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