🍯The inevitable 🍯 edited

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he couldn't stand the sight of seeing her broke like this, but then just like the doctor said "earlier his days where numbered, and no body was informed about it just him."

Salim couldn't believe, he never had time to bond with his parents. Now that his gone nothing could be done to bring him back not, even his money all his wealth and power.

excusing himself out of the room, he couldnot stand the sight of seeing his mother cry like this. This was indeed a great lost for them all.

in no time the hospital was filled with people, both the rich and the poor all mourning for him.

just like time passes, Alhaji sarki Suleiman Salim Suleiman aban II, is no more. Dead and buried six feet above the ground, all the empire of katsina where mourning for a great lost.

"It's already three days, DA ALLAH YA YIMA SARKI RASUWA, and the thrown is empty with nobody, someone is supposed to be assigned as the king for the mai time". Alhaji yarima aban said he is daddy's younger brother.

yarema: Mai jiran kujera, wah they call him in the kingdom of daura was called on by Fatima, mummy, Alhaji Suleiman only wife.

"naam jimbiya" he said bowing his head low in respect.

"I see no reason why, we should start talking about this now." she told him mater of factly nothing to rush about.

"no jimbiya, it's not wah you think the enemies will take this as advantage." he brought an excuse to escape.

"then let them" Salim said his was now standing, all wah the yarima Mai jiran gado said was pissing him off.

"Kai Salim hataraa, (Salim beware) yareema warned pointing a finger at Salim with fire in his eyes.

"sit!!" mummy ordered Salim who was boiling with rang.

why where they not understanding him, now the kingdom is at stake he just couldn't handle it. Salim palm himself.

then tomorrow, will be a final day to sit and talk about the so call magaji.

it's seems, yarema was thirsty and wants to quench it, by having the thrown all to him.

but that's never going happen not even, he the son, born for the thrown is alive.

"bros" quaim called out, placing his hands on Salim shoulders

he faked a smile, before asking "how are u bros".

"am fine, just that the kingdom ain't helping matters" he complained.

"am afraid, that yarema will have the thrown" Salim said out of the blue he seems deep in thought before looking up after hearing mummy's voice.

"nothing of such will happened," she consoled Salim before informing him of ammis arrivals.


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