🍯Heir🍯 Edited

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Tapping furiously her foot on the floor was nayyara obviously lossing her calm.

Then suddenly the door broke ajar, a petite girl walked in. Her face baked up with wat they call makeup.

Just in time nayyara was now already on her foot, in a blink of an eye engulfed the girl in a hug.

" Wat took you so long" she whispered after pulling apart from the hug.

The girl just flashed her a knowing smile.

She walked majestically on her stello making a cling sound.

"Meanah!!"nayyara spatted, she's annoyed with every little thing around her now, wait she's losing herself again.

"Nayyara" meanah called using the same tone.

They look intense at each other, nayyara knew if she didn't break the contest meanah won't volunteer.

"Fine!!"she murmured looking away from meanah's daring orbs.

" Why are you all teased up?" meanah now asked after taking a sip from a tumbler.

Nayyara let out a sound she didn't know she was holding.

Meanah knew everything thats happening but, here she was playing the game of chess.

"Salim isn't helping matters meanah!!, and that small ant. His been going around her like a fly. And am lossing it" nayyara ranted to meanah

Meanah was just putting two in one this the only chance she will play her cards.

First nayyara snatched everything from her, the attention she was suppose to gain in highschool she didn't get it, all because nayyara the fair beautiful girl.

Yes meanah was also a definition of beauty but not even a tip toes close to nayyara.

Meanah was fair but nayyara was way more light skin, it was as if, going together with nayyara was something else.

Everyone notice nayyara before her, and that was it.

"Fine!! We have to plan"  meanah said with a lip lock smile.

"Yes, I thought so" nayyara said.

" Av got this plan" nayyara added after some minute of silence.

"Fine!!!then do I need to be here" meanah asked slowly choosing her words.

"Yes!!!" nayyara yelled she was already hyper.
"Keep calm" meanah chanted panting nayyara's shoulders slightly.

" I just can't meanah" nayyara sobbed taking her hands into hers before adding.

"I love him!! I love him!!, I cant just wait and look the small child taking everything from me I can't" she was now on her feet whipping away her tears.

"I need your help meanah" she turned facing her friend whose was was emotionless but she didn't care, the heck of it all.

" I want you to help me please" nayyara pleaded with her friend, who just sat glued on her spot.

"I want you to take some pregnancy text with my name on it" nayyara finally broke the glass.

Yes, all the way that was her plans, faking a heir won't! hurt will it?.

Meanah just stare at nayyara eyes widen.

Fake pregnancy but how!! She couldn't think straight.
"Calm down" nayyara said sitting close to meanah.

Meanah was speechless,
"I uhmmm want to be the head queen, even if she's the head queen. Once I produce a heir that's all".

She stated like it was the most obvious thing to do.

Nayyara, faking pregnancy wanting to become the head queen. Wow!! Just wow this a chance I have been waiting for.

"Fine"meanah said Hiding the grin on her lips.

Nayyara engulfed her in a hug "thank you dear" she thanked her.

"No you Don't have to thank me, wat are friends for??" Meanah asked pulling away from, the hug.

" Cheers to our victory" nayyara tosted raising a tumbler up.

They two friends chatted away like they both got no worries at all.

Meanah POV

This really interesting I thought to myself, pulling away the veil wrapped around my face.

An evil smile graced my lips just with the thought of ruining nayyara life just like have longed wanted to.

Father have to know about this, maybe I can kill two birds with one stone.

Heaving a sign, I walked into the John to do my business.

"Dinner is ready" the maids informed bowing down in respect.

Just how will it feel, been treated like a princess I thought, putting on my clothes.

"Ya!!" Kb called.

Lolz my cousin called, "kb wat is it again," I asked observing everyone on the table .

Dinner was severed, we ate in silence only the sound of cutleries was heard.

"Abbi guess wat??" I asked my father yareema who obviously seem not to be in a good mood, this will lighten up your mood abbi, I thought.

"Meanah!!, Am not in good mood as you can see" he said creasing his forehead, a thing he does wen exhausted.

" Am going to help the second wife of king Salim fake some pregnancy test, she want to get rid of the head queen" I said all in one breath, and the smile on abbi face was priceless.


Asalamu alaikum guys.

Fake pregnancy 😁

Yareema is happy 🙄

But how will this be of use to yareema to get back the throne 🤔

Will dey black mail nayyara 😪

Don't forget to

Hi guys am Sorry to say but update will be once every week 😁 check out my ongoing book date of the date and done drafting this book

Check out nimrah a story written by khadyjatt. You are going to like it 😉💋

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Aleeyu xynab

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