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"So you guys are back to normal" haleema asked manal who was busy blushing, she just came back from the king's chamber.
Haleema was just watching her with amazement.

"Lalai kam, this kind love" she sanged, earning a glare from manal who was unwrapping her Alkaiba.

"Your eyes did drop on the floor" leemah said walking fast out of the room.

At least she teased the hell out of manal for now she did save some for later.

Manal just fell with a thund on the bed, the sheepish smile still in her face.

So they will be going to traveling, just the two of them.

His going to spend something with her after wah seems like eternity Salim thought. Rubbing his palms around his face.

He heard the sound of the door to his room, but didn't pay head to him.

"Salim" nayyara called.

Not now he murmured to himself.

" Yes" he opened his eyes half opened looking at her she was probably fuming with rang, he could say if she was any cartoon character smoke did be probably flying out of her head, ears and nose.

"Salim" she thunder this time around.
He sat up in a flash, looking at a fuming nayyara who stood hands akimbo over his head.

"Wat is it she want", he said in his mind. He won't talk to her untill she talk herself. After all she was the one who came bragging into his room with no peaceful salm.

" Mtcheeww" he missed under his breath.

Nayyara couldn't help Salim attitude anymore she thought she could handle him but that was proving hard to her.

She just brushed out crying Salim sat up again now looking at her.

She was still standing crying over his head.

He just shock his head closing his eyes laying down back.

He heard the bang of his door which confirmed to him she left.

He stood up and walk into the loo after doing his business he came out all wrapped in a black bathing Rob.

"Asalamu alaikum" he heard yet vioce, smiling at her.

Her cheeks was flushed red from all the blushing.

He looked at her fro toe to head yes she was all dressed up waiting for him also.

"Ya!!" She whispered yelled his name.

He wasn't ready to get dressed, still on his bed. She eyed him, he chuckled at her manal will always be manal.

"Or will you help me get dressed" he whispered into her ears wen she sat down on the bed close to him.

Her eyes widen get him "dress fah cabdi" she thought closing her mouth.

The expression on her face was priceless he did not miss snapping only if his phone was on his hand.

"Wow, I now remember. Manal!!" Salim called sternly, she didn't have to be told wat all this was about.

She already knows, displaying the best puppy face she could muttered.

" Ya am sorry", she apologized for wat she didn't actually know she did.

The video thing skipped her mind.

Salim just let it slide, he was already exhausted but they will be going out for some hangovers.

"Come help me pick a cloth" Salim said to manal.

He was now on his feet, hand stretched for hers.

She reluctantly placed her hands on his.

He pulled her with him gently to his walkin closet.

"The black one?" he asked.

She suggested for him to were anything native.

"No ya!! Not the black one. Maybe the sky coloured one" she suggested.

"Okay" he pulled out a kaftan wiggling his brows happily like a child.

Salim will always be Salim, he will never be matured manal thought spraying a beautiful black perfume from his collections.

They two walked hand in hand to where the private jet was kept in the kingdom.

Salim thought manal was looking beautiful as ever he couldn't fathom what adding to the others beautiful.

Was it the full moon shinning in the sky surrounded by the beautiful white starts or was it her beautiful face what ever the case was he doesn't care.

Manal thought all that was happening few days ago where her mere thought and dreams not until now that they are living for what she call a honeymoon salim may sees it as a hangover or what ever but she won't let this opportunity side.


Hi another update ohhh my God, I just find myself publishing this because am so happy we have reached 10k reads 1k votes 😁😁 thank you guys so much I really appreciate it love you all thank you.

This chapter is dedicated to you all I love you so much.



All rights reserved
Aleeyu xynab

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