🍯 Conspiracy🍯 Edited

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"Am afriad" nayyara said one could read from the expression on her face that she was very scared.

"Common, you won't die" meanah said pulling her with her.

They where going to play a big tantrum when the family comes back from the death.

"You are going to say how bad it was for you, you had a miscarriage and no one cared about you, they didn't even care to call even ones and ask for your health" meanah said, it was obvious she was getting tried of narraya stupid behavior.

"Fine!!" Nayyara signed exhaling a deep breath. "Now your acting like you needed revenge"meanah said smuggling her arms lightly.

"Common you Know it hurts and am suffering from miscarriage" nayyara joked and they laughed.

"Dear I so much love you, and can't wait to have you all to myself" meanah said to herself holding a piece of hardcopy picture.

"Nayyara just wait and watch, I'll ruin you. I promise you that" she added breaking into fits of evil laughter's.

They family private plane just landed, all thier faces showed how unhappy it was for them all.

They thought he didn't die almost two weeks ago, they didn't even get to see his death body,..

"Ya Allah may Allah Grant him jannah and forgive all his sins" was the only thing manal kept saying since when they left Karu to daura.

Salim wrapped his hands around her and supported her into her chamber, she was still in shock.

"She will be fine inshallah" Salim said to Ammi and mummy who where worried about manal State, she was just mumbling to herself looking at space.

"Salim I need to talk to you" nayyara said walking into his room, he left the family and manal in mummies living room.

" Nayyara what ever you want to say can wait am not in a talking mood" Salim said walking into the loo to do his business.

Nayyara founded a spot and sat Waiting for him, but he didn't come out soon she slept off.

When Salim came out and saw her on his bed sleeping like a baby he just shook his head off, she didn't even say her condolences he thought, but shrugged it off.


"Nayyara you where poisoned right, then get the maids that cooked the food" Salim shouted at the top of his lungs he was already tried nayyara won't let him breath, if he doesn't do something about wat she want.

But manal will think he doesn't care and respect her father anymore, him investigating on his wife's miscarriage.

Ya Allah he called placing his hands on his hair, he was tired wallahi.

He left the room for nayyara alone, to manal's room.

He founded her sitting on her bed holding a photo album, he sat on the bed. She didn't even acknowledge his present until when he cleared his throat.

"Dear!!" He called but she didn't here him, "dear" he called out again louder and she jerked off her teary eyes looking at him.

"Ya!!" she cried, Salim hugged her and let her cried to her fill.

They both slept off in each other's arms.

"Could you believe meanah, Salim shouted at me because of that fool's Father, who cared when my own father died" nayyara said in a crying vioce.

Since after Salim shouted at her she had been sucking it all untill now, meanah finally arrived she was letting it out.

" narayya, I have told you Salim loves manal but you never believed me, he can do everything for her" meanah stated panting her back.

They where hugging each other but when those words left meanah's mouth, nayyara  pulled herself from the hug whipping away her tears.

"No meanah, Salim can't love that girl but me. I love him since when we where in college, but he never noticed, then I managed to get his attention now this, why me meanah why" nayyara cried break down.

"If you really love and want Salim then you have to get rid of manal" meanah said.

"Yes meanah that wah am trying to do can't you see but she's strong headed"....

"No she's not, we will think of a way to get rid of her for better" meanah said taking nayyara's hands in hers.

"Yes I'll get rid of manal, meanah it's a promise I make to myself" nayyara said.

"Yes and I'll help you, now whip your tears let's get the maid" meanah suggested.

Nayyara walked to the toilet, washed her face, she walked out of the loo and draped foundation over her face.


Yes I know am late and am so sorry Eid Mubarak to you all and yes it's a double update just so I could make up for all those days

I love you all

Gen gen me done smell trouble.
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Aleeyu xynab

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