You're A Crazy Form Of Obsession.2

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Two Years Later

Tyler walked down the sidewalk, hands in his pockets, head covered by a toboggan, scarf wrapped around his neck. Hidden from everyone else, sneaking through the dark streets with the mysterious figure in front of him.

He made sure his steps were light as the figure turned another corner, he made sure he kept his head down as he stepped into the familiar apartment complex. He made sure to keep his head down away from the figure as they both stepped into the elevator that looked up at the numbers with a hurried sense. Tyler didn't make a move, but watches as the man took off his cap, run his fingers through his hair and clear his throat.

The tension was thick to Tyler, as far as he knew, and that was okay for him. He loved the tension, it made him do crazy shit. He's been going haywire in the past two years, and to be quite fair, he doesn't see it as a problem. In fact, he sees it as more motivation to follow the man down the hallway, and he could tell by the way the man in front of of him, feet began to pick up a pace and rush to the front of his door. Tyler was casual, strolling the through halls. He turned a corner Josh had taken and watched as the man struggled to get into his room.

Josh picked his head up, looking at Tyler that's been following him. By the time the door is open, Tyler is behind him, forcing Josh into the apartment complex and onto the floor. Tyler's laugh that seemed to remain angelic had cracked through the thick tension. Josh turned and looked up at him with confused eyes.

"Poor Joshie. Look how the tables turned. Youre now the little bitch on the floor in need of rescue." Tyler made sure the door was locked and began to take off all the unnecessary clothing. "Well, you gonna get me a drink, where is my servants brain when he needs it." Tyler laughed, going over to Josh and looking down over his body. "Well?"

"Tyler what the hell Is the matter with you?" Josh began to stand, pushing the younger boy back. "You're fucking psychotic."

"Don't call me that!" Tyler yelled, pushing Josh back and grabbing at his strands of hair, getting rid of the echoing of the one word. "You have no right, you asshole."

"Tyler, I don't understand. What did I do wrong. I thought we settled and left everything behind us?" Josh tried to tell him.

"No, you did that. You think I forgive you after all this time. Well Joshie," Tyler spat his name with venom. "I'm here to get what I want, and I'm not gonna leave without it." Tyler began to step closer to Josh, the older man not having a clue of what to do. When Tyler pulled in close, so close to Josh's face, his eyes pierced into his and for a second, both their eyes left to look at one another's lips. "Why?"

Josh let out a relieved gasp, and was even more confused now. "What the-"

"No. I said why. Why was it so easy for you to leave me like that. You knew and you pushed me away with some bullshit lie. And -"

"Yet I'm the crazy one huh?" Josh spoke up as if it were obvious. "Yeah I'm the one that fell hopelessly in love with their kidnapper, in the three weeks, tried every tactic to the guy that gave him attention because he confessed his heart about his problems in school. Then once the hype of Tyler Joseph's disappearance dies down and he's still that insecure little kid that gets pushed around in the halls at school, makes their next move in following their kidnapper around to his apartment for two years until actually growing balls and following into the apartment himself to ask WHY."

Tyler pulled back a bit, "This isn't what you want Tyler. I am not what you want. This is crazy, you need to go home. And tomorrow, you need to find help with your weird crazy obsession. It's weird, it's made me anxious for the past two years. I want it to end, and if me looking you in the eye, and saying this, then so be it." Josh grabbed him by the collar pulling him in close.

"I don't like you, I don't want you. You need to go home, look yourself in the mirror and find out who you wanna be. Because, even of I was one lick attracted to you, this, obsessive being,  isn't what I want. There was nothing. There is nothing. Now leave my home, and the next time you ever follow me into my home again, I won't hesitate to fight back."

Tyler stared at him for a while. He didn't think those words would come up. His eye began twitching, he looked at Josh as if he were crazy. Tyler's not the one crazy, he is. He pulled out the supressed gun and without warning, shot the man in the chest.


He took in a deep suck of the cancer stick between his fingers. He would never look at bacon the same way. The stench of burning skin scorched at his nose and made him scrunch up. He didn't think it'd get this far. His words hurt, and Tyler would never forgive himself.

He moved himself closer to the fire, smiling a bit. His new fate was strange. He turned around looking at the city from a cliff. He wanted to do this with Josh, he made up every date they would have gone on. Made up every kiss, how his first time would be with him, how they would kiss whenever they looked at each other. He wanted those things, but fuck he screwed up. He screwed up bad.

"Rest of my family's dead because of you." He murmured to the burned skin body. He flicked his cigarette over to it. "Can't be left here alone, don't know what the fuck I'm doing. I've always been obsessed with death Josh. But it will never beat my obsession for you." With a last smile, he let the bullet fly through his head and his body fall into the fire.

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