•You're The Promise I'm Willing To Keep•

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This honestly was not smut in the first place. But I added it this morning because, yeah, I do that. I change my mind all the time! Anyways, enjoy short smut, because to be honest, other than that, I think this is pretty adorbs!


It was like years spent behind bars, there was no school to go to. School was home. No friends to play with, only the ones that ventured the house. There was a strict mother, and a, insouciant father. And they always fought when one of their children has done something wrong.

Living in a foster home, lead by a rich man and woman, who thought it'd be a good idea to have twelve children, ranging from the youngest of ten to seventeen, gifting them, taking care of their needs and then sending them off into the real world, Josh was scared.

It was his time, very soon. His birthday was not that far away, he had been told what he'd be given, an apartment, transportation, extra emergency money for he has a job of his own, and a few other things. His foster parents weren't bad people, but once you were eighteen you were let off.

He cuddled more into the younger boy who still had a few more months here. Which kind of pissed Josh off. They had to stay quiet, enveloped in each other's arms under the covers completely bare.

They had to whisper their 'I love you' and 'I will miss you' because if their foster parents found out they were together, it would not end happily. They have tried to tell their foster parents that Tyler wants to leave with him, wants to stay with Joshua.

They proposed that Tyler will also get a job, they wouldn't have to send as much emergency money because they can get through this. Their teachings from their foster mother and the buoyancy from their foster father showed that with love and working together, they could get through this.

But that wasn't the case, their foster mother grabbed both by the ear, taking them to their own rooms and locking the doors. Their rooms were three doors down. They weren't able to see each other, weren't able to talk, cuddle, reassure the other. But they won't worry about that.

After being released they kept their love behind closed doors, giving each other the kisses they needed when they were alone in the kitchen washing their own dish. Getting in a hickey when they were the only ones in the tv room.

Crying on one another's shoulders when they couldn't stop glancing at each other from the dinner table and going to the backyard to let out all their pain. Whisper their love as the older boy sneaks into his room late at night, wraps his arms around him and give him a soft kiss on the neck.

Reassured of the day.

It was dead in the house, the soft glow from the window bleeding through. And Josh couldn't pull his eyes away from Tyler. The slope of his nose, the plumpness of his lips. The things those lips had done to him. He coughed as to not show the other the affect he had on him.

Instead Josh pulled Tyler closer to him, turning the youngers head so he could entrap their lips. The kiss was slow and Tyler let out a soft sigh through his nose when he felt Josh's bigger hand slide down his bare side.

Tyler wrapped a hand around his neck, pulling him closing so they laid on their sides, fronts pressed onto one another, pulling away to look at Josh. Their eyes scanned one another's faces without a word, just enjoying the glowing glints in their eyes.

Josh was the one to pull him back in, smiling when they wrapped each other in the sheets, making them a lustful wrapped burrito, their flaccid girths now hardening as the kiss deepened. Tongues coming in to play and that soft gasp that left Tyler's lips.

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