Forcefully wrting at 1:56 am

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        Good morning, today our topic is..... fish, food or lovable pets. Or maybe.... both? As evolution states, life on earth began in the water. And if you disagree, you are either entitled to your own opinion or you just failed science 7-12.

      Fish have always been swimming, like humans, the only time they stop is when they die. Literally, some of the most famous sharks die if they can't swim.

      Now imagine goldfish, the golden orange colour, the symmetrical tails and their cute little faces. A top tier cracker. Perfect for children of all ages.

     Fish has been a source of food forever. We all know that the flying spaghetti monsters great great great great great great great great great great grand grand grand grand grandzylord was a giant betta fish. Throughout the generations, the betta fish would use its own scales as plates for its little spaghetti children to flourish upon, and on that plate is the giant spaghetti monster and on one of his many noodles is our universe. The Flying Spaghetti Monster provides nourishment to our universe and was created from a giant betta fish which in turn means that the betta fish is food and our zylord. And we are zylord over his many watch men we pray too everyday in tanks not bowls. If you keep a betta in the tank, it's like putting tape over your laptop camera when you go to the deep web. The betta fish know what you're doing, they just can't see it... BUT THEY KNOW.

     Caviar is an example of fish being pet and food. The sturgeon is given love, care, attention and food. It has a nice place to swim and friends it can mate with. Then once they're done getting frisky and producing eggs, we simply cut them open for their unborn babies and harvest them so they can then be cleaned and salted; all to get ready to be put into a fancy little can.

     Caviar is delicious and I've never had it before but at least we can farm them without wild harvesting them. Much better for the environment.

        That's our little diddy for today! Now for our bonus section: have you ever laughed so hard that it sent you into a spiralling hallucination where right is down, left is right, down is the square root of 2817492 and up is the sky? Well then you haven't lived yet have you? Get you a man who can make you laugh so hard that you rapidly ascend to the highest form of comedy, realize you laughed at a yo mamma joke and then rapidly descend from the heavens, back into earth and directly into the earths crust where the molten core of bad jokes awaits to incinerate you because you are the bad joke now! Good morning!

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