Chapter three

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<Louis POV>

When I heard the person start to cry I went to look after the person. I was on the other side of the liberary when I found him, the curly headed lad with lifeless green emerald eyes I've had an crush on for ages, I found Harry Styles. My head said that I should'nt do anything but my heart said that I should try to comfort him, of course I listenend to my heart. I went down and sat beside him, and put an arm around his shoulders.

<Harrys POV>

I sat there crying and suddenly Ifelt someone sitting down beside me and put an arm around my shoulders. I did'nt know who it was until I heard his voice. That voice oly belongs to one person I know. It belongs to Louis Tomlinson the footblls teams captain, the most popularest boy in school and my crush since ages. "Harry it's okay, don't cry, try to be happy for me". He said while hugging me, I could'nt help but grab his shirt and start to cry hard. Harry could'nt help that he was'nt okay, he had never got this kind of comfort. "Help me out of this hell" I sobbed "Please Louis help me, I can't do it any longer" I begged Louis. I did'nt except the answer I got. Let's say i did'nt even except an answer at all. "Harry, I'll promise I'll try to help, okay?" all I could do was nodd. Louis helped me up and we walked to our lockers to get our English things. When we walk into the classroom Mrs.Millis first looked angry at us but then she saw my red puffy eyes and that Louis shirt was wet so she let us go. There were two seats in the back, we took our notebooks that Mrs.Miliis took in yesterday for the poems. We sat down beside each other and joined the lesson, and opened our notebooks.

<Louis POV>

I heard Harry open his notebook so I did the same.  I look down into harrys book just cause I wanna see his poem and I just read the first scentece before i realize that it was his poem, "Eyes of green Eyes of blue, it's so funny to think how much I've fallen for you" Mrs.Millis read Harrys poem out loud yesterday, the one I absoulutley loved. I also said that I would like to know this person. Now i know it's Harry and he also begged me to help him out of his hell, so it was right there I decided to write down my number. I made the paper as an paper plane ad just gave it to Harry.

<Harrys POV>

I see how Louis writes on a paper and I make a frown cause he then makes a papaer plane of the piece of paper he wrote on, I thought he was going to throw it to Liam, Zayn or Niall, but he just gives it to me, I open the paper plane and looks at it. When i look at it I get surprised, my crush, the schools popularest and football captain Louis Tomlinson gave me his number. Right after I get another note from him. 


I gave you my number cause I wants to learn to know you, and I remembered that u asked me if I could help you out of your hell. I promised that I'll will try to help, text or call me if you want to.

Louis xoxo

Holy shit was all I thought off. I pu the note and the paper plane in my bagpack. The school ends and just when the bell calls for the school to end, the rain starts to pour down. I look out and suddenly I feel someone tap my shoulder, I look to see who it was and of course it was Louis. "Do you want a ride home Harry?" He asked me gentle. "No thanks, a little rain has never disturbed me, I mean we live in England" Louis and I shared a laugh. "Okay Harry have a nice holiday!" He said and walked off. How can a human be so perfect I thought, On my way home I cry cause I know me and Louis can never be together, Louis is straight and I can't change that.

I walk into my house and up too my room, and I am thinking of the paper plane, should I text Louis or not?



Thank you so much for reading this chapter, keep on voting and more chapters will come soon. All the love Jennifer.  

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