Chapter 16

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<Louis POV>

Valentines day

Me and Harry are cuddling on the sofa. Harry,  me, Mom, Anne, Lottie, Fizzie, Daisy and Pheobe are all watching Peter pan, and this time Harry isn't falling asleep.  In the end harry get's up and i pout cause I want him in my arms, he comes back with a present in his hands and he gives it to me. I rip it open to see a He blanket. "But wait, if I got the He blanket then were is the She blanket" I asked and then looking up at harry, only finding him stading there holding the she blanket, I just kiss him on the cheek and i hear him snap a picture, then i kiss him deeply on the lips. We kiss until i hear everyone shout 'Get a room'

<Harrys POV>

I snapped the pic of me and Louis, I logg onto instagram and I tagg him in the pic and I write a peom under it. ~Roses are red, violets are blue, I have an hole in my heart, And it's only for you~

After I've done it I hear Louis go upstairs, after five miniutes he comes back down with something behind his back, I stand up infront of him with my She blanket around me cause I am cold and louis wanted me to stand infront of him. he takes what's nehind his back from it and he shows me what it is. When i open my eyes I get so happy, I am exploding of happiness.

"A TEDDY BEAR!!!!!!!" I scream, I drop my She blanket and runs over to hug the bear. "Harry, I give u this teddy bear for  reason, I know you are going throught some hard times, and I wish I could be there all the time but I can't right now, but one day I will. I loe you lots, this Teddy bear is for when I can't be around you and help, like when you are sick, when you need someone to hug, when you can't sleep, it replases me at the moment. And never feel guilt for using it cause I want you too" Louis said, when he was finished I stood there crying, me and louis looked oer at he others, they were also crying cause of Louis speech, I hugged him and the kissed him, i love him so much.

<Louis POV>

After that me and harry cuddle up on the sofa again with our He and She blanket and also the teddy bear, Harry decided to call it Tommo bear, he iscleaver cause Tommo is my nickname and the teddy bear is a gift from me that will take care of him. We all decided to watch another movie, so we all agree on the lion king.

In the middle of the movie we all hear some light snores come. I look down to find Harry sleeping on the sofa hugging his bear. I take a picture and puts it on Instagram and Twitter, I kiss harrys head and then I take him upstairs with his teddy bear Tommo bear, I walk into my room and I take him to my bed and I lay him down. Soon I fall asleep next to a curly headed boy that cuddles a bear.


Oii Oii

Yayyy, an update, wohoooo, hahah, I'm very weird. Thanks for reading this, keep on voting and more chapters will come soon. All the love Jennifer<3

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