Chapter 7

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2 months later

<Harrys POV>

I am sitting in my room by my desk and writing in my journal, it was raining otside and I was pretty bored, a reason why I don't like England, it rains to damn much. Then suddenly my pencil breaks "FUCK!!" I shout, right after I hear a knock on my bedroom door, probably mom that will say to me 'launguage'. "Come in!" I shout, and when I see my door open my mom stands there but I also see an shadow in the background.

"Harry, Louis is here and launguage" she said and left, right after Louis came into my room. I get over to hom and give him one of my famous bear hugs. "Hi Boobear!" I say tooo him. "Hello Harry, we need to talk"

<Louis POV>

I can see how tears well up in harrys eyes and then he starts to cry. I kinda know why, harry is afraid to get to close to people like how close me and Harry are,'cause e is afraid that they will leave him. "Harry, I'm not leaving you okay, I need to confess something" I paused and saw that harry nodded. "Harry I am gay, and I have fallen in love with You"When I'm done I can see how Harrys face lit up and the biggest smile is on his lips. Then he opens his mouth to talk. "Louis, I am gay too as you obvoisly know cause I admitted ot to the whole school. And I'm in love with you too" Louis could'nt hold back anymore so he leaned in and kissed Harry, Harry admietly responded to the kiss, after some seconds Louis licked Harrys underlip for entrance, Harry let him in and Louis tounge explored Harrys mouth. This kiss was passionate and full of love that they did'nt wnat it to end. They pulled away when they needed air. They smiled at each other.

They spend the rest of the day happy,laughing,sharing loving and passionate kisses and small peeks here and there. Then sadly Louis had to go home to baby sit hsi littte sisters. "I need to go now, I'm about to baby sit my little sisters tonight" Harry just nodded and we walked down stairs, I put on my vans and my black bomber jacket and I was ready to go. i turned to Harry and smashed our lips together and we shared and long, passoniate and loving kiss. We pulled away when we heard harrys mom cough. She had caught us kissing.

Anne walked twoards me and she gave me a hug, while hugging me she whispered in my ear "Take care of my baby boy, okay" I was taken aback but I just hmmd in answer. I gave Harry one last peek before I headed out to my car and started to drive home.

<Harrys POV>

When Louis drove away I ran upstairs to my room and started too write in my journal again about everything that happened today, I focused really uch on the kiss, I've waited for that kiss or years. An hour later mom knocks on my door and I screm to her to come in.

"Harry we need to talk" She says when she comes in, I can see that she has red puffy eyes, my mom has been crying and I'm about to find out why "Okay, let's sit down mom" I say to her. We sit down on my bed and when we both sit down, mom grabs my knee. "Harry, the doctor just called about Gemma" I see new tears come from my mom's eyes, I stood up as fast as i heard Gemma's name. "NOOO!" I screamed. Mom stod up and hugged me. While hugging me she said it, the thing I feared the most. "Gemma passed away". I start to cry hard and scream. It's not fair, first Robin then Gemma. I never got a chance to say goodbye to them. 

"Mom, I need to call Louis" I said to her after I was calmer, she just nodded and walked out of my room. I picked up my phone, unlocked it and dialled Louis number. "Hello Harry" I hear him say "Hey Boobear" I say but on the last letters my voice cracks. "Hazz what happened, ahve you been crying?Why?" I took a deep breathe and then I started to talk and tell him about what happened. "Yeah I cried...Boo...Gemma you know my sister?" I said, Louis just hummed to an answer. "Gemma passed away 30 mniutes ago, the cancer won over her,, Boo i need you" Was all i managed to get out before I broke down.


Oii Oii!!

Sorry for the cliffhanger but I had too. Thank you for reding this chapter. Keep on voting, more chapters comes soon. All the love, Jennifer!!

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