Chapter 17

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Heyyyyy guess what, a smut part is in this chapter, as usual it starts and ends when I say that it starts and ends!!!!


<Harrys POV>

3 months later

Today it's mine and louis 1 year anneversary. We had a massive party with my mom, Joane, Lottie, Fizzie, Pheobe, Daisy, Niall, Liam and Zayn. We all had a great time, we ate cake and just jokoed around, we also watched some movies, and we had an little barbeque. Liam fixed meat to the barbeque. it was an really good night. I won't forget it. afterwards me nd louis went to an hotel, we checked in and in the elevator up we started a kissgame. We waked out of the elevator and o our room, as soon as the hotelrooms door was closed, he attacked me.

~~Smut starts~~

Harry got smashed up against the wall, louis started to kiss him deeply and passionate. Harry happily responded. Louis started to lead them to bed, they took off their shoes and jackets, when they had done that, Louis pushed Harry over to bed. Harry opened his eyes and Louis laid on top of him, they caught eye contact and harry could see the lust in louis eyes. 

Harry started to take louis shirt off. He threw it o the floor, louis did the same to his shirt. Right after Louis started to kiss on his chest, Louis kissed his tummy, Harry sucked it in ause he doesn't like his tummy. "Don't hide it from me love, you are perfect just the way you are, relax baby, okay?" Louis said, all Harry could do was nod, when louis kissed his torso Harry let out a loud moan. Louis stood up and took of his pants and Boxers, then he went to Harry and took off Harrys black skinny jeans. 

Louis started to kiss harrys inner tighs and Harry Moaned so loud. Louis loved to tease Harry, he always did. "Lou...Loui....Louis....Boo....Stop Tte.....tease...and f..fuck me...instead" Harry managed to get out between moans. Louis took Harrys boxers between his lips and started to drag them off. When they were off louis started to suck Harry to tease him a little more. After just 5 minutes of louis sucking harry. Harry screams louis name, that's Louis que to enter harry, he first opened Harry, stretching him out with three fingers.

Then Louis pushed himself inside Harry. He waied for harrys signal to start thrusting, and he started to thrust when harry started to move up and down in bed. They both were warm and they both moaned, they whispered i love you so many times. And suddenly Harry screams Louis name in pleasure, he come over his and Louis stomach. After some more thrusts Louis comes too. Then he lays beside Harry.

~~Smut ends~~

Afterwards they clean up thenselves and they cuddle up in bed, they share a kiss before falling asleep in each others arms.


Oiiiiii Oiiii

I am back, I haven't been posting cause i haven't been good, just a tips, friends comes and leaves, choose your friends visely. Thx for reading this chapter, more chapters are coming soon, keep on voting, all the love Jennifer<3

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