Chapter five

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<Harrys POV>

Harry wakes up by his alarm that goes off at 8AM. Today is the day Louis comes home to him to work on their science project. He groans and turns his alarm off, he swings his legs off his bed and walks into his bathroom. In the bathroom he turns on his shower, while waiting for the water to get warm he strips his boxers off. After 5 minutes he steps into the shower and he moans when the hot water hits his skin.

When Harry is done he takes his towel and dries his body and hair dry, he puts the towel around his waist and walks into his room again. He walks to his warderobe and takes on a pair of boxes, he puts on his usual black skinny jeans, his black Calvin Klein hoodie with a grey and white bandana. When he is done he walks down the stairs into the kitchen and makes himself a cup of green Yorkshire tea, he can drink but not eat, he does'nt gain weight in drinking but in eating he does. So Harry only drinks water, tea or milk.

After finishing his tea the clock is around 11AM, Harry goes up to his room and when he enters his room h get a text from Louis. It says that he is on his way so Harry just text him his adresse. After 15 minutes he hears a knock on his front door. He walks down stairs and opens the door, there stands Louis, he has his black skinny jeans, and a plain white shirt and his light blue jeans jacket.

"Hello Harry, how are ya?"He suddenly ask and I get snapped out of my thoughts. "Hello Louis, I'm good, and u?" I ask him and answer, I did'nt want to say that I feel like shit, 'cause I don't want to ruin this moment. "I'm good, should we start with our project?"To his answer I nod and starts to lead him to my room. 

"Okay so we are working with the human body and the humans feelings, Mr.Brown said that we should choose one to talk about more than the other one, which one do you think is good Harry?" Louis asks me. I think a little and I actually wanna go with feelings cause I know about the darker feelings and Louis the lighter feelings. "I Think I wanna go with feelings, like love and depression for example" I say casually. I can see that Louis thinks a little then he opens his mouth and starts to talk. "That is a great idea Harry, Okay so feelings, depression and love, which of the two do u wanna talk about?" I don't even hesitate to answer which one I wanna talk about. "Depression" "Okay then I'll take love" Louis says and smiles at me. I force a smile and smile back to him. 

"Louis, is it okay if I open the window?" "yeah it is, it's kinda hot in here" I walk pver to my window and opns it, then I walk over to my warderobe, I really need to change shirt, this hoodie is too hot right now. I take my favourite Rolling Stones t-shirt and walks into my bathroom to change. When I walk out I did'nt except what happened to happen.

<Louis POV>

I can hear Harrys bathroom door open and I see Harry walk out, I first smile at him but my smile drops within seconds, I see something I never thought Harry would do. I feel my tears well up as I look at Harrys arms and wrists, Harry Styles cuts himself. Harry gives me an confused look but then he realized why I act like I do.

"H..H..Harry...Why?" I manage to get out between sobs. Harry looks at me with sad eyes, he thinks for about 5 minitues until he answer me. "Well, here are some reasons, when I was 9 my stepdad Robin got killed and that's why  went quiet. Then things only got worse 2 years ago when I 'Came out of the closet', people started to call me name until I started to believe them, first i just stopped eat, then after 6 months I started to cut so I've been starving for 2 years and cutting 1 year and 6 months, now my big sister Gemma has cancer and she may not survive until thsi year ends. I just feel like shit and I want to die, every single night for 8 years I have cried myself to sleep, I wanna leave this living hell" Harry had held in that for 2 years and about his dad for 8 years, I see how Harry starts to cry hard.

I stand up from Harrys bed and walks over to him, I take him in my arms and leads him to his bed and lays us down. I feel how Harry grabs my shirt and cries his eyes out. Harry opens his mouth "L....L....L...Louis me out of this living hell. i don't want it" It breaks louis heart to hear and see Harry like this. "I promise you, I'll try"I answered him. I really want to help this precious boy. I want to see him happy, I want to hear his genuily laugh, that is my goal.

Then we just lay there in Harrys bed and talk and get to know each other, we become good friends very fast and I'm happy. I'm also proud of Harry for that he told me about his scars and yeah, the dark feeling he have. When I look at the clock it says 8PM, already,well time flies away when you are having fun.

"Harry I need to go now, if you want we can meet up tomorrow?" I ask him, he sits up and pouts, he is so cute when he do that. "Okay but promise to come tomorrow!" He answeres. "Promise?" he asks me, wow he is so cute, I really love this boy, wish he was mine. "Promise!" Right after Harry holds up his pinkie finger, of course I do too and we make a pinkie promise. I love when Harry acts like a 5 year old. We walk downstairs and there we see his mom. She walks up to us. "Harry who is this?" She asks. "Oh sorry mom, this is Louis, my friend, Louis this is my mom. Anne twix, Louis Tomlinson, Louis Tomlison, Anne Twix"They shake their hands "NIce to meet you Louis" she says, she really seem so lovely. "you too Mrs.Twix" "Please call me Anne" I nod at her and then turns to Harry. "Good bye Harry, see you tomorrow" I say, he walks to me and hugs me, I hug him back and kiss him on his head, when I do that I feel how he relax. "Good bye Lou see ya tomorrow" with that I walk out to my car and drive home.

<Harrys POV>

"He seems like a good boy" mom says, "he really is, he holds me when I break down and he lets me cry my eyes out on him" My mom just gives me one look and then she laughs and says "Harry Styles you are falling in love  with Louis" I just look at her and thinks if  I should answer, when I do I feel so confident. "Mom, I already did when I was young, and I still love him" Mom gives me an surprised look "Good luck then Mr.Styles, I need to go to bed now, goodnight Harold, love you"  I look at my mom and thinks about the nick name she used. She has'nt used it in a long time. "Good night mom, sleep well, love you too" With that I walk up to my room and into my bathroom, I brush my theet and then I take a wee. When I'm done I wash my hands, walks back into my room, strips off my clothes until my boxers only are left, I crawl into my bed and for the first time in 8 years I fall alseep without crying.



Thank you for reading this chapter. Keep on voting, more chapters comes soon. Alll the love Jennifer

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