Chapter fifteen

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<Louis POV>

Today is Harrys birthday

Me, my mom, Lottie, Fizzie, Pheobe and Daisy is going to Harry and Anne today. My birtday is the 24th December and today it's the 1rst February, me and Harry wanted to celebrate our birthdays together. We had an really great day of laughter and good food, I can tel we all enjoyed it. On the evning me and Hazz goes to an hotel, we hire an hotel room and in the hotelroom we just fool around.

<Harrys POV>

A Week Later

Soon it's Valentines day. I was out today this morning to find a present to Lou, and i found the perfect one. I found an he and she blanket. I went home in my black range rover and I have an idea for Valentines day. I had finally gotten my driver license, it took me a year. When I come home I run upstairs to my room and I only wrap in the He blanket. I am very excited. Hahah that makes me remember of when me, Lou, Niall, Zayn and Liam hang out. Louis was trying to sound excited but failed, he was like "We're very excited" But he soundd ironic.

I put the Valentines present in my warderobe so Louis won't see it until next week. When I turn around again I see how my room is a mess, So I just started to clean my room. Harry finds his old journal that he filled and he used to write in that when he was sad, angry or happy, well basically every single fucking day. 

He hears someone walk in without knocking and he knows exactly who it is. "Hi Louis, let's read my old journal that I just found" I said turning around, he looked surprised. "Hw the fuck did you know I was walking in" He said, I just laughed, "You are the only person that doesn't knock on my door" I said, he just smiled. We sat down on my bed and we started to read my old journal. We both cried at the pages I seemed the most broken.

"1 of January 2012

Dear Journal...

everyone always says when a new year starts a new you rises, that means that the person u were last year is kinda gone and u step into a new you, i've tried this so many times, but it never happened, I'm still the same depressed, worthless, ugly, fat boy from last year, i wish I could die because I just have got enough. I miss Robin, he was like the father I never got. gemma is in hospital for cancer and she is only getting worse, mom is stressing the shit out of her and I'm sitting in my room crying all the time.

Someone please help me!!"

But the one that hurts the most is this page

"1st February 2013

One year older, I'm seventeen now, It's been 8 years since I last saw Robin, Gemma is still in the hospital and my mom is still stressed. I don't know what I can do, I've tried to talk to mum that it will be fine but I don't have the courage to it, I'm afraid of being wrong, wait a miniute my Journal...

...Okay I'm back, I needed to take shower cause me and my mom is going to see Gemma, and I cutt my arms, no one knows about my cuts and that is good, I don't want them too. Well I need to throw up.... ....I'm back from throwing up, well I need to go now bye"

Both me and louis were crying, we found out that the last page was empty so I grabbed a green pencil and louis took a blue, I first wrote 'Louis and Harry, Boobear and Hazzabear, that is everlasting'Amd Louis wrote'Always in my heart Harry Styles your sinecerly Louis'

After 4 hours louis left me, awhhhh sad i really want his warmth, then i felt an urge to show my mom the journal and read it with her. So I walk downstairs and I find my mom watching Tv in the livingroom. I sit down beside her and hands her the journal. "Mom, Me and Louis just read my journal, I want you too read it too, you will get to know things u did'nt so please don't freak out" I said, she just nodded, we started to read, and we both cried at every sad and angry page. When we read about me cutting the first time my mom asked me to take my lon sleved shirt of, so I did and i don't think i've ever seen her cry that much, she also saw who I really am, she embraced me in a hug i've missed, momsbearhugs are the best hugs ever.



I'm so sorry that i haven't updated for so long, it feels like ages, it was liuke two weeks but life came around. Let's say 4 friends showed me that i'm not good enough and they all left me. Thanks for reading, keep on voting ad more chapters will come soon, all the love jennifer<3

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