Truth or Dare?

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A/N: I know this is one you get a lot, but I hope you like it. I added some stuff in that I haven't seen anybody write about yet. Also you're on the Argo II and you're just going to have to pretend that there are eight demigods instead of seven. Also, you're a daughter of Poseidon for this one. Sorry if this annoys anyone. You'll probably be a daughter of Poseidon for most of these. Once again, sorry. This chapter is dedicated to avatarglader because you're next on the list.


Everyone on the Argo II were bored so they decided to play truth or dare.

"Truth or dare?" Piper asked you and you confirmed that you wanted a dare. "Okay, I want you to throw Hedge's baseball bat into the water."

"But that's suicide!" You gasped and everyone gave you a look that said they were already thinking of what they would do for your funeral. Piper just shrugged it off.
"Unless you want to back out of it?" She asked teasingly.
"No." You answered quickly. You always did the dare, no matter how suicidal. "I'll do it."

A few minutes and bruises later, you sat back down soaking wet. You grumbled that you would get her back for that later. Everyone was laughing and even you had to crack a grin. Next it was Franks turn. Then you kept going around the circle. In the end Frank had make up smudged all around his face, Percy was crying over the fact that he couldn't eat blue pancakes for the rest of the day, Jason and Piper were tied against the mast together, Annabeth had a 'kick me' sign on her back, and Leo was soaked and not allowed to warm himself up. (A/N: Sorry that these are such bad dares, but it was all I could think of.) You had sported a few bruises from your first run, and you still had a bitter taste in your mouth from where you had been forced to eat some unknown substance that the others had concocted, but apart from that you were unharmed. But now it was your turn again. You had told Piper, and only Piper, about your crush on Leo. Piper had the most evil look on her face and you could tell you weren't going to like what came out of her mouth.

"Truth or dare?" She asked like she was the most evil Fate deciding your future.
"Dare?" You said uncertainly, and her evil grin managed to grow larger, how she managed it you do not know.
"Kiss Leo." She said with an evil glint in her eyes.

You groaned out loud but on the inside you were screaming with excitement. So you swung around to the wet Leo, who was now all of a sudden dry and smoking. He had a really shocked look on his face. So you moved over to him, ignoring the murderous glare that your overprotective brother Percy was giving you, Leo and Piper. You give him a peck on the lips so that you don't show how much you really wanted to do this. You looked round at Piper who shook her head.

"Like you mean it." She said, still with that evil look on her face. You can tell that she is starting to scare Jason who is stuck to her and the mast.

You turned back around to Leo's red face, probably reflecting your color. You lean in and are just about to go for it when you suddenly freeze.

You had felt a tremor across the water.
Whatever made it had to be big.

You straighten up and look around.

"Did you feel that?" You asked, terrified.
Everybody gives you blank looks, except Percy, who's expression mirrors yours.

"Whatever did that, must be huge.' Percy's face still looked frightened.

You spin around to Leo, "We'll finish this later, but right now, you need to get us in the air."
Leo nodded and was about to head towards the controls, when something hit the boat.

You had never been present at an earthquake, but you reckon that this is just as bad if not worse. The boat rocked from side to side and you were thrown about. You grabbed onto Jason and Piper who are tied to the mast and you immediately start tearing at the ropes using the dagger/knife that you had in your pocket. The way that the boat was moving, you would be upside down any second and you didn't want them to die because of a stupid dare.
You finally cut through the bounds and you motion upwards with your hand, telling Jason to get Piper to safety and anyone else that he can. He offered his hand but you declined and motioned towards Leo, you had to help him take back the ship. Jason nodded and flew away. 'Two down,' you think, 'only have to get five more demigods off, plus me.'
You look around and notice that Hazel isn't there, but a giant eagle is swooping around, waiting for this monster to come out of the water. That left Leo, Percy, Annabeth, Frank and you to fight this beast.
Then it came out of the water.

It was the most terrifying thing you had ever seen, and the ship was moving away from it. You looked around and saw that Leo was at the front, controlling the ship again. Hedge had grabbed his baseball bat, which had been retrieved from the water by yours truly, and he was yelling at the thing like he could take on this snake that was twice the size of the Argo II and with just as much anger.

The snake like monster reared up out of the water and you look at Percy, nodding at the same time, knowing what to do. You both pull your hands in and you feel a tugging sensation in your stomach. You push out at the last second, and the monster is pushed back and away from the ship by a giant wave. It comes crashing down with a terrifying screech and sinks below the surface.
We had won.
But you knew we had won to easily.
Still, we waited twenty minutes and when nothing happened, we called everyone back onto the Argo II.

Leo turned towards you and put on a smug face he opened his mouth to say something, then his expression transformed into one of horror and absolute terror.

"Y/N!" He screamed, but it was to late. You felt something slimy wrap around my foot, then you were jerked backwards and over the edge. Into the water. You only had enough time to gulp in a lungful of air, before you were plunged into the dark water


A/N: yes I am going to do a second chapter for this.
Till next time my pretty psychos.

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