My Jolly Sailor Bold Part 2

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A/N: Some people talked about how the song wasn't included in the first part, so I thought I'd write a part 2 with the song included this time! To everyone that's requested, if I have answered your comment then it means that I am getting there! I just want to make sure that all of your requests get the attention they deserve and that you don't regret asking me to write it for you!

Next: I Pretty A Pretty Boy (Request)
Words: 1157
Warnings: N/A


Third Person POV

A lilting tune filled the peaceful moonlit air of the beach with only the footsteps of lightly placed bare-feet on sand and the calm lapping of the waves to challenge it. The boy carefully approached the broken down wooden pier, praying that he did not disrupt the hypnotic voice that drifted on the salty midnight breeze. As he moved closer to the rotting structure that had long since been abandoned, he could finally begin to make out the melodic words that drew him in further.

My heart is pierced by Cupid
I disdain all glittering gold
There is nothing can console me
But my jolly sailor bold

My name it is Maria
I'm a merchant's daughter fair
And I have left my parents
And three thousand pounds a year

The mermaid continued to sing to herself, unaware of the approaching company. She had hoisted herself up onto the end of the old pier as she waited for her 'sailor' to arrive. Her tail absentmindedly swirling in the darkening sea water and causing small ringlets to pulse outwards.

Leo's footsteps landed on a floorboard with a loud creak that interrupted the sea maiden's song. Knowing he had been discovered, the brown haired boy calmly sat down beside the Y/H/C haired girl who turned to face him with a smile. The boy quickly motioned with his hand for her to continue and after a brief moment of hesitation, she did so.

Come all you pretty fair maids
Whoever Ye may be
Who love a jolly sailor bold
That plows the raging sea

While up aloft in storm
From me his absence mourn
And firmly pray arrive the day
He's never more to roam

Before he could even realise it, Leo found himself wrapping an arm around the beautiful girl, pulling her into a hug which she happily accepted. They sat in the comfort of each other's arms as Y/N finished her song.

My heart is pierced by Cupid
I disdain all glittering gold
There is nothing can console me
But my jolly sailor bold

"That's very beautiful." Leo whispered, almost afraid to break the silence.

"Thank you." Y/N murmured back. "My mother taught it to me."

"Really?" Leo muttered back, a slight wistfulness shading his eyes. "Well, it's the kind of song you'd be willing to chase to the ends of the world and back."

"That's the idea." Y/N replied with an airy chuckle. "It's used to lull sailors to the edge of the boat so we can pull them under the water and drown them."
Silence filled the air, the only movement coming from the waves that continued to lap at the pier.

"Wow. Okay." Leo voiced suddenly, partially finished processing what he'd just been told. "That's pretty violent."

"Seriously?" Y/N questioned in astonishment, finally pulling away from the curly-haired boy. "I just told you I come from a race of man-eating monsters and that's all you've got?! Unbelievable."
Leo just laughed at my reaction.

"Honestly, my actions are easily justifiable." Leo rubbed the back of his neck as he continued to speak. "I mean, if you were planning on killing me, you would have done it by now. Besides, nobody gives their victim warning when they're about to kill them."

"You've got a point Valdez." Y/N laughed.

"I'm just surprised 'cause you're not anything like how Percy said you'd be." Leo commented before leaning back on his hands which he placed on the wood behind him.

"What did he tell you?" Y/N replied quizzically, taking note of the way Leo was sitting and attempting to copy it as well.

"Well, basically that you're a lot like people, except for, you know, you can breathe underwater and stuff." Leo answered vaguely.

"By stuff you mean we have a tail, right?" Y/N laughed.

"BE MY GIRLFRIEND!" Leo blurted before quickly covering his mouth. A look of surprise passed over the girl's face at his sudden outburst, quickly followed by confusion.

"You're what?" Y/N questioned, head tilted to the side to further show her lack of understanding. Leo breathed a sigh of relief at the young girl's response and removed his hand from his mouth.

"Never mind." Leo answered quickly and turned his head to face back towards the ocean, using it as an excuse to avoid eye contact.

"No wait." Y/N interrupted before Leo could skip over the topic. "I think I've heard that word before. It's a human thing, right?"

"Well, yeah." Leo replies timidly, hoping that the female wouldn't work out what the word meant.

"Yeah, I remember Percy telling me about them." The girl mumbled to herself, unaware of the panic and stress it was causing the boy beside her. At the mention of the other boy, Leo remembered how they had been forced to postpone this date for a couple of days in order to allow Percy to have some time to reach Y/N their language. Said girl now reached a hand up to tap her cheek, a habit that she had whenever she was thinking hard about something. "Dang it. I even remember him saying he's got one. What was her name again? Um-Annie? Anne? No, it was longer than that. Like a two-in-one kind of name. Annbrooke? Annra-? Anta?"

"A-Annabeth?" Leo interrupted quietly and hesitantly.

"That's it!" Y/N jumped and clapped her hands happily at recognising the name, scaring Leo half out of his wits. "I haven't met her yet, but I want to, Percy's told me a lot of great things about her."

"Of course he would." Leo scoffed with a small smile. "He loves her, after all."

"He does?" Y/N smiled and Leo tensed, realising what he'd just said and done.

"W-well-" Leo attempted to recover as he sat and began waving his hands around as if that would help.

"Wait!" Y/N interrupted the poor boy's nervous stuttering. "Is a girlfriend someone you love?!"

"Yes, Y/N." Leo admitted in defeat.

"Goody!" Y/N laughed naively then placed her head on Leo's shoulder.

"Is that a 'yes' to being my girlfriend then?" Leo clarifies, wrapping an arm around the girl's waist.

"Of course!"


A/N: Sorry this took so long to get out! It ended up being longer than I originally thought it was going to be!

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