Aphrodite's Orders

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A/N: This was requested by Feminiist_. Please keep them coming!! I love to hear from you guys!!

Next: You Say
Words: 1795
Warnings: N/A


"Oh Gods." Piper sighed to Annabeth and Percy. "Here we go again."

The three pairs of eyes all focused on the flushed pair that sat alone in the strawberry fields, a few meters apart.

"They're so cute!" Annabeth squealed at her otp.

"I swear to the gods, if I have to listen to those two go off about each other one more time, I'm going to loose it." Percy complained. "No offence Piper, but I hate your mother."

"None taken." Piper waved it off. "At this point, I'm seriously hating her too."

"Why's she even doing this anyway?" Annabeth groaned, referring to the fact that no one was allowed to tell the two love birds that they liked each other, simply because Aphrodite had ordered against it. It had been about two weeks since that had happened and it was slowly driving everyone insane.

"Apparently her excuse is that she's having a bet with Hera on whether or not they will get together without being told." Piper answered with a shrug.

"No bet is worth going crazy over." Percy grumbled and Piper decides to stay silent, knowing full well that she would indeed be willing to go insane if it was one of her own bets.

"Hey look!" Annabeth nudged the pair and pointed back towards the topic of the conversation. There sat Leo and Y/N, closer now. Leo had a strawberry clasped between his fingers and was placing it in the mouth of a close-eyed Y/N. Both teenagers had a light dusting of red on their cheeks. As soon the strawberry entered the girl's mouth, both turned their heads away in an attempt to hide the growing heat on their faces. Y/N looked down and covered her mouth with a hand while Leo looked up towards the sky and away from Y/N.

"They're so cute!" Piper and Annabeth sighed happily in unison.

"Yeah, and it's driving me nuts." Percy pouted. "I don't think I can take another campfire with those two without finally snapping."

"I hear you." Annabeth agreed and Piper nodded.

"Speaking of campfires." Percy continued, looking across at the setting sun. "It's about time we called these two in so they don't miss it."

"I'll get them, you two head down to help set up." Piper suggested.

"Sure." Annabeth agreed, turning around to begin heading up, followed quickly by Percy.

Piper approached the flushed couple with a smirk.

"Come on lovebirds." Piper announced, only causing the pair to blush even harder. "Camp fire time."

"We're not dating." Leo quickly retorted, face red, and Piper rolled her eyes at the obvious regret on his face and disappointment on Y/N's.

"Sure." Piper drew the word out and nodded sarcastically, turning to lead the way up the hill. She wanted to say more but held her tongue, remembering the curse that was her mother's bet.

Once they arrived at the campfire, which was already in full swing and blazing away; the trio went to sit near the Seven, plus Nico and Will. Piper quickly took her seat, having already taken note of the fact that their friends had arranged themselves in a way that would force Leo and Y/N to sit together. The said pair both blush before taking their seat in the gap that was so small, they were basically in top of one another. Y/N leaned backwards, resting so her hands were placed behind her, and stared intently into the flames in an attempt to avoid all eye contact with the male beside her. They sat in silence for a while, listening to the rest of their friends talking around them. Leo finally decided to shift into a more comfortable position, the same one that Y/N was in while also starting up a conversation with the girl.

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