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A/N: Just so you know, you can speak French in this one shot. If you're a daughter of Aphrodite than good, if not then just pretend you can speak French. This chapter is dedicated to, ironically, Charm_Speaker.


No one's pov

'Hey Y/N!' You heard a voice call out your name and glanced up from your book to talk to them. You looked up into chocolaty brown eyes and waited for Leo to tell you why he had the guts to interrupt your reading.

'Something's been bugging me,' He began, sitting down next to you and leaning against the tree that you had been sitting against, 'You see whenever we fight, you eventually get to the point where you just start screaming rapid French at me. So I was wondering if you could tell me an insult in French so that I had something to retaliate with.'

'Why don't you just insult me in Spanish then.' You asked him impatiently, wanting to get back to your book.

'Because then that would get us no where,' He complained, 'If anything, we would just get more and more pissed.'

'Fine.' You gave in, anything to get him to leave you and your book in peace. 'But this is a really bad insult and you should only use it as a last resort.'
Leo nodded his head eagerly, making his brown curls bounce.

'Okay repeat after me.' I said. 'Je t'aime.'

'Je tame?' He said it with a question in his voice, his non French accent making you laugh.

'Right pronunciation.' I praised, 'But with a French accent.'

'Je t'aime.' He said it with confidence this time and I had to suppress giggles, he had no idea what he was saying.

'Oui!' I said, still thinking French. 'Now you have it!'

'Thanks!' He left and I didn't see him again till the end of the day

LE TEMPS PASSE (Time goes by, or time skip)

Y/N's pov

I don't even know what we were fighting about, but I do know why Leo started it. He wanted to use the new insult I gave him, but the thing is, I had the perfect comeback.

Leo's pov

I really really wanted to use the new insult Y/N had given me in French, but for some reason Y/N had smirked the second that I started the argument. I knew that she knew that I was going to use the insult, meh, the insult would be insulting anyway...right?
I could tell by the red color of Y/N's face that she was about to rant at me in French so I stopped her before she could.

'Je t'aime.' I said as viciously as I could, I couldn't help but let a little smirk creep onto my face. I was about to turn around and get back to work when Y/N gave me a wickedly evil grin and replied in French.

'Je t'aime aussi.' Then she spun on her heel and left me stunned. I had no idea what she had said, but I knew that it was better than whatever I had said.
I needed to find out what.


Annabeth's pov

I was just starting to relax when Leo comes barging into the Athena cabin without knocking. He seemed pretty flustered and confused.
This should be interesting.

'Annabeth, I need to know what "Je t'aime" and "Je t'iame aussi" means.' Leo asked urgently.

I stopped for a second, completely confused. Then I realized what had happened, I am a daughter of Athena after all. I laughed at him for a full minute, leaving him stunned.

'It means "I love you" and "I love you too!" I laughed at how he could fall for such an obvious joke.

Leo's pov

I must have looked like an absolute idiot to Annabeth. I felt the blood rush to my head from embarrassment, then the flush turned to a blush as I realized what Y/N had made me say.
And what she had replied with!
It was possible that she loved me back!

I had to find her...

Y/N's pov

I wonder if Leo has found out yet? I saw him rushing to the Athena cabin. What if he doesn't return the feelings? Well it would be worth it even if I only got to hear Leo say he loved me once. Despite it being in another language, it was worth it. What if he hates me for it? Impossible, we can still be friends, we will still be friends. I'll make sure of that. What if-
My thoughts were cut off by Leo jogging up to me. His cheeks was red, I hoped that was a blush rather than angry embarrassment.

'Y/N,' He started, 'I-I-I was w-wondering  i-if...' He trailed off and took a deep breath, seeming to come to a resolve.
He leaned in and kissed me. His warm lips on mine, warming them. He seemed to fill a whole inside me that I never knew was missing, I started to kiss him back and tangle my hands in his brown curls. His arms wrapped around my waist, pulling me closer to him.

We were interrupted by a click and a giggle. We both break away and look to see who would dare to interrupt.
We turned to see Annabeth holding a camera and Piper giggling beside her.

'Oh, don't let us stop you.' Annabeth told us and motioned for us to continue, holding the camera up again.

'Well, go on.' Piper told us when we didn't continue the kiss that they rudely interrupted.

Leo laughed and hugged me.

'Will you be my girlfriend?' He asked almost cautiously.

'Obviously.' You said and felt him relax into you, letting out a breath you weren't aware he was holding onto.

'Je t'aime.'

'Je t'aime aussi.'


A/N: Hope you enjoyed this fluffy chapter. I had this idea bouncing around my head for a while so I hope you enjoyed it. The next one might be a bit sad but obviously will have a happy ending. I'm hoping for at least 10 views (I know it's a small amount but my other books weren't going anywhere so I just deleted them). Please check out my other books as well. I am still taking requests, just so you know.
Till next time my pretty psychos!

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