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A/N: This was requested by Mesi0006 and therefore dedicated to you to, I hope I didn't disappoint. And know that you can still request everyone!

Words: 777
Next: But You Didn't
Warnings: N/A


Leo's pov

Her soft tinkling laugh echos through my head like the delicate notes of an angel's choir. I shake my head to rid myself of the haunting, yet heavenly noise, knowing I would never be anything more than a best friend to her.

Beautiful girl, my best friend and biggest crush
Scrawny kid, her best friend and no chance

I tune back in to what the beautiful Y/H/C haired girl was saying.

" Jack's still trying his best to remain angry at me..."
Oh yeah
The handsome son of Athena

Pretty boy, genius and every girl's dream

It was clear that against that, I didn't stand a chance. But I'd made an agreement with myself a long time ago; while I may never get the girl of my dreams, that didn't mean I was going to stand by and watch while someone else took her. If I couldn't have her, no one could.
Especially. Not. Jack.
And I was willing to fight to keep it that way.


Leo's pov

Time for archery.
Taught by Jack

The only good thing about it is that Y/N was in that class, so I get to spend more time with her. As I trudged closer I searched through the line of demigods for Y/N. As I caught sight of her, I instantly froze. Not because of her, but more because of the one helping her.
He had his hands on both of hers and was helping her with her bow, his face was right up next to hers and his chest was hovering so close to her back. My eyes narrowed in a fiery glare and just as Y/N let the arrow loose, Jack looked me dead in the eye and an infuriatingly cocky smile spread across his face. I spun on my heel and stomped out of there before I burned that irritating smirk off his face, along with the entire archery field.
Gods I hated him.


Leo's pov

Lunch just finished and I needed to find Y/N. It was time to make a move before Jack beat me too it.
There she is!
Y/N walked past me with wide eyes and a slightly dazed expression on her face.

"Y/N!" I called out to her, causing her to spin around and look at me, her H/C coloured hair framed her face like a delicate framing for the most amazing and beautiful picture that only a god could take.

"Oh, Leo! I need to tell you something!" A huge grin graced her already perfect face. "Jack asked me out!"

My blood froze to ice and my heart was set aflame, creating a horrifyingly painful sensation that fled like wildfire all through my body and pricked at the back of my eyes, threatening to spill out in a salty waterfall down my cheeks. Then suddenly, my reality seemed to snap back into place, only all the pieces were in the wrong spot, and everything flowed out of my mouth instead.

"What!?! When?! Why?! What did tell him?!" I burst out causing Y/N to stare at me slightly shocked.

"Just before lunch when we had archery together." Y/N replied with an edge of excitement to her voice. "I told him I needed to think about it and that I'd tell him my answer after dinner at the fire."

Relief flowed through my body, quickly followed by panic.

"You have to say 'No'!" I yelled in alarm.

"What? Why?" Y/N asked, an indignant expression claiming her pretty features.

"You just have to! You can't like him." I continued to rant. "You just can't."

"WHY?!" She shouts the question.

"BECAUSE I LIKE YOU." I shout back on impulse. Silence seized the space between us and what I'd said slowly sank in.
Oh gods, what have I done...

Suddenly, with a flurry of clothing and a flash of movement, I was engulfed in Y/N's arms.

"Thank. The. Gods." Relief was laced into her words. "I like you too, Leo."

I wrap my hands around her waist and pull her closer to my chest as she buries her head into my shoulder.

"Y/N?" She nods into my shoulder, her breath comforting on my neck. "Will you be my girlfriend?"

"Definitely." She sighs contentedly.

And just like that, I'm one step closer to being the luckiest and happiest man in the world.


"So. Did the plan work?" The stormy-eyed boy asked.

"Like it was designed by a son of Athena." The girl replied with a laugh. "You're the best friend a girl with crush problems could ask for. Thank you so much Jack."

"Anytime, Y/N."


A/N: Hope ya'll enjoyed that one. (Does anyone even read these?)
Till next time my pretty psychos!

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