Under Your Spell

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Words: 592
Next: Stand By You


You dodge left and right, using your new found agility to dodge the heavy feet threatening to break your delicate frame. Your paws pound against the cobblestone ground and with one final powerful leap of your hind legs you launched yourself upwards towards the closest person. With a thud, you both landed on the ground in a heap, you crouched on their chest. As the groaned at the sudden loss of air, you slowly crept upwards towards their face. Without even taking in their identity, you noticed a streak of grease plastered on their face. You lifted you paw high in the air, then began to rapid-fire smack at the grease in an attempt to remove some of it. The person underneath you began to laugh, but you paid no head, and when whacking didn't work, you stuck out your new, rough tongue and took a giant lick at the grease. You immediately recoiled and swiped at your tongue in an attempt to remove the horrid taste. The person who's chest you were sitting on, sat up and you tumbled into their lap as a result. You gave an indignant mewl and glared at the person. Once you got a good look, you were suddenly grateful for your thick Y/H/C fur as a red blush bloomed across your face. It was Leo, your crush. You just licked Leo's face!

"You're adorable!" Leo exclaimed with a soft laugh. "You remind me of a very beautiful girl." Your heart dropped as you realised he must be referring to another girl at camp. There was no way he could ever think some one like you was beautiful. And with a heavy heart, you realised you would never change back to your original form. Love was the only thing that could change you, love from Leo, and now you knew that was never going to happen. Leo hopped up from the ground and looked around, then bolted towards the lake through the forest. Once he reached it, he put me down and looked you dead in the eye.

"Now, little missy." He said with a serious look and a twinkle in his eye. "I need you to promise not to utter a word to anyone about what I'm about to tell you." You're laughing on the inside, but instead, you give a serious little nod. "Okay, I've been wanting to tell someone about this for a long time. It's about the girl that I love." Your heart shatters again as you begin to regret being there, but you decide that if Leo needs to get something off his chest, you're going to be there for him. Even if it does tear you apart from the inside out. "Well, you see, she has the most beautiful Y/H/C coloured hair and enchanting Y/E/C coloured eyes." My eyes widen in recognition, but my brain still refuses to believe it and allow my heart to lift. "Her name is Y/N, and I don't know how to tell her...that I love her."

And with those words, I felt my senses begin to slip away and my tail shrink to nothing. My size grew back and I began to feel more comfortable and familiar in my skin. My eyes close as the feeling of being human again washes over me.

"Y/N" The whispered gasp causes me to open my eyes and look up at the source, Leo.

"I love you too, Leo."


A/N: Hope you liked and your ideas would be appreciated.
Till next time my pretty psychos!

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