Little Sister

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A/N: This was requested by wolfofsilver93. I did the best I could and I hope you enjoy it! You're Percy's little sister in this one as per the request.

Next: Broken (Request)
Words: 1087
Warnings: N/A


Y/N's pov

"Leo, I really reckon we should tell him." I told my boyfriend for what felt like the millionth time.

"No way!" Leo replied, terrified. "He'll eat me alive!"

"Leo, he's my brother." I sighed, tired of hearing him complain. "He's not gonna kill you."

"You don't know that." Leo grumbled back.

"Percy's my brother, not a vicious guard dog." I replied.

"You're right, he's not a guard dog," Leo stated with a blank face, "He's much worse, especially when he's angry."

"I think you're being slightly over paranoid." I tried to keep him calm.

"I'm dating Perseus Jackson's sister." He told me, then started shouting, "I HAVE EVERY RIGHT TO BE PARANOID!"

"Fine." I sighed, giving up. "I'll see you again tonight."

"Yeah, definitely."


I expertly shut the door behind me, careful not to wake the other occupant of the cabin. My bare feet hardly make a noise as they quietly creep over the moonlit floorboards. I'd done this a million times before and, over time, the guilt had eventually left. I just didn't care anymore. So long as I got to see him again.
Leo. With his adorable, curly brown hair and beautiful chocolate eyes...
Too focused on Leo, I failed to keep track of my surroundings and allowed a certain someone to sneak up on me. The only warning I got was the soft snap of a twig underfoot.

"Hey." A voice whispered behind me and before I got the chance to scream, a hand came up and covered my mouth, only causing me to panic even more. "Calm down, Y/N. It's just me." I relax as I recognize the voice of the boy I had snuck out to see. He began to remove his hand from my face to allow me to speak.

"Leo." I whispered as I turned around to look at him. His hands are wrapped around my waist and I move mine up to link behind his neck. I give him a quick peck on the lips before moving my head to rest on his shoulder. "Where're we doing tonight?" I asked.

"How about a dance?" Leo replied with a smirk.

"No way!" I whisper shout and pull my head off Leo's shoulder. "What if someone hears us?!"

"They won't if you're quiet." Leo states.

"Right." I mumble and bury my head in Leo's chest to hide my growing blush, causing him to chuckle.

"And we don't necessarily have to use music." Leo continues nonchalantly.

"What," I giggled, "we're going to just waltz around without a beat?" I gave an airy laugh at the thought. I looked up at Leo to find him staring back down at me with wide eyes. I stopped laughing, wondering what he was looking at.

"Do I have something on my face?" I asked, eyes wide with innocence and slight embarrassment. Leo's hand came up to caress my cheek and I leaned into his touch.

"Yeah." He whispered. "And it's the most beautiful smile I'm ever going to see."
A deep red blush claimed my face and I could only squeeze my eyes shut as he pulled me in for a kiss, head tilted slightly.

"I knew it!" Before we got the chance to connect lips, I felt myself being pulled away. Shock was plastered all over my face. I spun around to take a swing at the intruder but a gentle yet firm hand on my wrist forced me to take in the person's appearance. And I was glad for it because standing before me was the very reason I snuck out at such a late hour of the night.

My older brother.
Percy Jackson.

"Listen, we can explain." Leo tried.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Percy demanded a look almost like betrayal lit in his eyes. 

"We were worried you wouldn't take it so well." I whispered and looked down at my turned in feet, ashamed I had snuck around behind my brother's back.

"And why would that be?" Percy asked sarcastically.

"Well, you do have a long streak of being overprotective." I told him timidly.

"Well, someone's gotta do it." Percy defended. "You're way too reckless for your own good."

"I know but-" I tried to give an excuse.

"But nothing." Percy stated firmly. "This has to stop. No wonder you're so tired all the time. Come back to the cabin; you need to sleep some time."

"It won't." I fired back, I wasn't just going to let Leo go like this. "We'll keep seeing each other. At night, during the day, it doesn't matter. I'm not gonna stop." I grabbed Leo's hand as an act of defiance.

"And nor should you have to." Percy replied, smile breaking through on his face, much to both mine and Leo's surprise. "Y/N, I'm your brother, not some viscous guard dog. You can tell the rest of the camp in the morning, but right now, I can tell you're in desperate need of some sleep."

"Wait. What?" Confusion warped my brain into a state where I didn't understand anything that was going on in front of me. Percy waited patiently for the cogs in my head to start moving. Finally, it all clicked and I found myself rushing forward and engulfing my brother in a chocking hug. "Thank you thank you thank you thank you..." I continued to ramble those two words in Percy's ear as the excitement consumed my whole being.

"Hey, it's okay. I get it." Percy hugged me back after regaining his balance and recovering from the initial shock. "However," Percy turned a piercing, fiery gaze to Leo, causing the blood to run out of the poor boy's face. "If you break her heart, I'll crush your's."

"Percy enough." I started pushing my brother back towards our cabin. "You'll give him a heart attack."

"Fine, I'm going." Percy turned around and walked back to our cabin.

"Goodnight Leo!" I called over my shoulder as I followed my brother back to our room. "I'll see you in the morning."

"Goodnight Y/N. I love you."

"I love you to."


A/N: Sorry this took so long to get out and that it's so trash. I'm also trying to do another book because I promised a friend that I would get three chapters out and I've only done one of them.

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