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A/N: This one is just full of fluff and feels! This chapter is dedicated to TantadeVald.


Y/N's pov

I was new to the infirmary and were still being taught the more complicated things. I knew the basics and was able to help out with the minor things while Will and the others sorted out the more complicated things. I was just sort of walking around the infirmary, waiting for something to do, a job to complete. Suddenly, Will called me over.

"Y/N, can you please help Leo?" Will shouted to get my attention. "He's only got a small scratch up his forearm. Could you please deal with that?"

"Of course!" I shouted back to him and began to head over to the brown haired Latino. I had seen him around and he had made a few jokes with me. I had found myself becoming quite attached to the chocolaty eyed boy. "What can I do for you Leo?" I asked him and he looked at me with slightly widened eyes and a straighter back, something was up, Leo never cared what people thought of him or his posture. He just stuck his arm out so I could see the wound and continued to stare at me while I worked. His cut went all the way from his elbow to hand and would be needed to be cleaned before I gave him ambrosia in order to stop any infection. I stood up to grab these items and I felt Leo's eyes on me the whole time. I decided to confront him about it. "What do you want?" I demanded once I reached him again. "You keep looking at me and I'm honestly finding it hard to concentrate!"

"I think that I..." Leo trailed off into mumbling, but I managed to catch a whisper of what he said and it sounded a lot like a confession. Well, only one way to find out. I finished up cleaning his wound and then lent forward and lightly kissed him on the cheek, then reached behind me for the ambrosia like nothing happened, when on the inside I could barely contain myself. I turned back around to see Leo's mouth was slightly hanging I open, I only just managed to contain my smirk as I placed the ambrosia in his mouth and shut it for him. I gave him a wink and began to walk away, once my back was turned to him I finally allowed my smile to break through. As I walked away, it might have been my imagination, but I could have sworn I heard Leo give a triumphant shout.


A/N: Hope you people are enjoying this! I needed a break from my other book, so I decided to continue this one. I will, however, be going back to it again soon.
Till next time my pretty psychos!

Leo Valdez x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now