Never shall we die

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A/N: I just like this song and wanted to put it in. If you think it's weird that's your opinion and I'm going to put it in anyway. This chapter is dedicated to TheFriendlyIntrovert.



Y/N's pov

The King and his men
stole the Queen from her bed
and bound her in her bones
the seas be ours and by the powers
where we will we'll roam

Yo ho, all hands
Hoist the colors high
Heave ho, thieves and beggars
Never shall we die

I was watching the waves and enjoying the beat of them crashing on the shore and I couldn't help but sing this song. I was in the Hermes cabin and this song seemed to be like their cabin anthem or something. I just kept singing and singing, not really paying any attention to my surroundings. I only able to get past this one verse and chorus because I heard a snap of a twig from the tree line behind me. I quickly spin around, getting to my feet just as a mob of curly brown hair emerged from the trees. Leo. He gave me a sheepish look and...blushed? Na! Must just be my imagination, there's no way he loved me back. I mean, he wouldn't shut up about this girl that was trapped on an island. I wish I had been trapped for hundreds of years if it meant I had a shot with Leo.

'That was lovely singing.' He said awkwardly, coming and sitting on the beach. I sat down next to him, relaxing now that I knew there wasn't a monster here. Yet. We sat until the silence began to grow uncomfortable and awkward, Leo was the one to break it.

'What was the song about.' He asked.

'A pirate's myth,' I said mysteriously, 'Nobody knows if it's real but I believe it. I mean, if the Greek and Roman gods still exist, why not a pirates'? It's the tale of a girl, a goddess. Calypso.'
I felt Leo's muscles tense beside me as I mentioned the name.

'What does the tale say about her?' Leo seemed really curious and slightly haunted that I had brought it up.

'The goddess, Calypso, was the ruler of the storms. She changed the sea, creating many storms that sank many boats, man didn't like this. They wanted to rule the seas, so they decided to bound her to her bones, meaning to trap her in human form. Only problem was, only one person knew how, and they were in love with Calypso.'

'Who was he?' Leo sounded jealous and stiff, but I shrugged it off as nothing.

'Davy Jones.' I replied, still staring off into the ocean. 'Keeper of the locker, Ferryman of Souls, and Captain of the Flying Dutchman. He made a deal with Calypso that he would ferry all souls that died at sea, into the afterlife. He would be given only one day every ten years that he could walk on land, if he tried going on land before that then he would die a very painful death. Ten years go by and Davy Jones waits patiently, ten years he does his job the way he was meant to. Then the one day he had free, she wasn't there. He loathed her after that because he couldn't give up his curse, he would be stuck as the ferryman for the souls lost at sea for the rest of his immortal miserable life. And it was so well known that his locker became known as "Davy Jones' locker' for never in a million years did people think that he would be replaced. He wanted revenge on her for it, and we gave him his wish.'

'We? Meaning who? And how did Davy Jones get his revenge?' Leo had an adorable look of confusion on his face as he processed this new information.

'We meaning the pirates, we wanted control of the seas remember?' I sighed with a small smile playing with my lips, 'Here listen to it again.'

The King and his men
stole the Queen from her bed
and bound her in her bones
the seas be ours and by the powers
where we will we'll roam

'So the King is Davy Jones, his men are the pirates, the Queen is Calypso and because she is now human she can't control the sea. Meaning pirates do instead now?' Leo questioned.

'Basically sums it up yeah.' I confirmed.

'Sweet, so what about the second verse?' Leo was pleased that he had understood what I had told him.

'Oh.' I was a little shocked by his question, not expecting him to have remembered it.

'Yo ho, all hands'

'That line is saying that the whole crew needs to work together. You know, like the well known phrase "all hands on deck!"'

'Hoist the colors high'

'Pirates use flags and they're kind of used as a symbol of defiance against the government which were trying really hard to hunt them down. It's like their rebel symbol. You know how Katniss has her Mocking jay, Thomas has the maze...sort of, Harry has his scar, Tris has all the faction symbols, and Hazel has her...' I trail off as I notice Leo giving me a blank look. He doesn't know...about fandoms...I give him an evil grin, making his blank look turn to a scared one. 'You have a lot to learn my young apprentice. Anyway, back to the point.'

'Heave ho, thieves and beggars'

'That line's basically telling us who the song is being sung to or about.'

'Never shall we die.'

'This one is my favorite line, this is defiantly saying that it doesn't matter how many of us you kill, someone else will always be a thief, someone else will always be poor. You may despise us thieves, but we ain't goin' nowhere.' I finish with a triumphant grin. Leo was just staring directly at me I couldn't tell if it was shock in his eyes. or something else.

Leo's pov

I hadn't heard all that Y/N was really saying, I was paying more attention to how beautiful she looked. With her intense Y/E/C eyes that sparkled with mischief and curiosity, I couldn't help but get lost in them. Her Y/C/H flowed as the salty sea spray swept off the ocean and into her face. She was beautiful and I was starting to regret promising to go back for Calypso, I just hoped that she had moved on from me, found a new guy that she could be happy with. I had sworn on the River Styx that I would get her off the island so I kind of had to. Gods. Compared to the goddess that was Y/N, Calypso was just-
My line of thinking was interrupted by Y/N waving a hand in front of my face.

'Helloo.' Y/N stretched the end of the word out. 'Earth to Hothead.'
I suppressed a laugh, I loved the nickname despite saying I hated it. She was the only one who could call me that without getting on my nerves. 
I realized Y/N was just staring at me, waiting for an answer
'Come again?' I asked utterly confused as to what she said. She giggled at the confused look on my face, it was the most beautiful sound. I swear if they bottled it up they could sell it as a cure for cancer and there would be no doubt that it would work.

'I asked what was going on inside that little head of yours Hothead?' She laughed at my expression.

'Little?!' I gasped, faking being offended, 'I like to think of myself as a genius.'

'Question still hasn't been answered Einstein.' She smirked at me.

'You.' I whispered under my breath, I didn't think she had heard me but her face turned a light shade of red.
Silence rang out and it began to become uncomfortable.

She leaned in until I could feel her soft breath on my ear. 'Goodnight Leo.' She whispered and gave me a soft peck on my cheek.

I continued to sit there, even after curfew and ended up getting chased by harpies. I had a few scratches but it someone asked my if it was worth it, I'd tell them that I'd do it again a hundred times for her to peck me on the cheek again.
There was no doubt about it...
I was in love.


A/N: I'm not going to do a part two for this, sorry if it was a bit random. Hope you enjoyed the fluff at the end. I started off with one idea and changed it once I got to Leo's pov, you got more fluff that way so you're welcome.
Till next time my pretty psychos!

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