Kidnapped Part 2

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A/N: This is dedicated to Jeslytess. (I hope I spelled that right.)


That's all you felt...

That's all you could remember...

Tears in your eyes...


Your eyes fluttered open to a dimly lit room made of ice. You took in a shaky breath and watched in horrified fascination as smoke curled from your mouth.
You could see your breath.
That can't be a good sign.
You were stuck in a prison of ice and snow. With no escape, no food, and no way of keeping warm. You wished Leo was here, he'd warm you up and give you hope, which at the moment you could add to the list of things that you didn't have. You groaned and called out, knowing there would be no reply.

At least you had saved the rest of the eight. Maybe they could defeat Gaia without you and move on.
At least they're safe...

At least Leo's safe...


Leo's pov

It was all my fault, if I hadn't been so stupid.
I thought back once again over the events that had ended in Y/N's capture. I'm such an idiot. I could have used my fire and lashed out at Khione, I probably would have died but who cares. Y/N would be safe and the rest of the Argo II crew would be happy.
Idiot, idiot, idiot.
I should have done something! It didn't matter what, as long as Y/N was safe. Oh, and the rest of the eight to, but mainly Y/N! She must be cursing my name wherever she is and I don't blame her for it, I'm going to get her back.

I'm so focused on Y/N that I don't watch where I'm going and bump into something, I look up into the angry eyes of Percy. I gulp.
I'm screwed.

"WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU LEO!!" Percy shouts, causing the others to come rushing up to the deck. "THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT!! IF IT WEREN'T FOR YOU Y/N WOULD BE HERE RIGHT NOW, SAFE!!" Annabeth walks up and tries to restrain Percy. "YOU COULD HAVE DEFEATED KHIONE, BUT NO, YOU WERE TOO WORRIED ABOUT YOURSELF! YOU DESERVE WHATEVER HELL Y/N IS SUFFERING INSTEAD OF YOU!" I just nod my head, because why fight with someone you agree with? "Y/N was the first sister I had, the first anything other than my mum and you took that away from me!" My eyes flashed and I looked Percy directly in the eye.

"WELL AT LEAST YOU HAD A MUM!!! AT LEAST YOU HAD A "SISTER" AND A FATHER THAT CARED BECAUSE I DIDN'T HAVE ANYONE!!!" I shout with so much anger I set on fire. "YOU THINK I DON'T CARE!!! YOU THINK I DON'T SPEND EVERY MOMENT OF EVERY DAY AND NIGHT WISHING I COULD GO BACK?!? REVERSE MYSELF AND SAY THAT IT NEVER HAPPENED!?!" I remind myself to breath and take a big gulp of it, tears streaming down my face and into my mouth making me choke. I'm no longer on fire. "Y-you think you kn-kn-know p-pain Percy? HUH?! Cause you don-don't... YOU DON'T AND YOU NEVER WILL!! I'VE SPENT MY ENTIRE LIFE WISHING NOTHING HAD EVER HAPPENED, THAT I HAD NEVER HAPPENED!! They say time heals all wounds, then why am I still bleeding. If mistakes are left in the past, then why talk about my future like I have one."
Everyone is staring at me with such shock, I don't blame them, they didn't know. I take one last shuddering breath. "You think you know pain Perseus Jackson," I spit the words out like a whip, with an intent to wound, "you don't know nothin' about my world."
And with that, I stalk off to my room, leaving the rest of the eight speechless.


Leo's pov

I was packing up to leave when I heard a light knock at my door so I walked over to open it. I took a deep breath before opening it, expecting to see Piper, Hazel or Annabeth here to make me feel better. What I got was the whole eight, well what's left of it anyway. I hoped they hadn't come to stop me from searching for Y/N because when I vowed that I would do anything to find her, fighting them was included. I couldn't give up, I had sworn it on the River Styx!

"I hope you haven't come here to stop me," I began, "Because I'm going no matter what you say."

"We know." Piper sighed. "And we haven't come here to stop you."
I felt slightly crest fallen because it showed they didn't really care what happened to me.

"We knew we wouldn't be able to stop you and that it would just be a waste of energy when you would die trying anyway." This came from Annabeth who was in tears and clinging to Percy.

"So we'll do the next best thing." Percy pecked Annabeth's head, sending a wave of longing through me, I wish I could do that to Y/N. "I'm coming with you."
He said it so firmly and without doubt that I was left in shock, wondering what I had done to make him want to help me.
"I think I should help because you're right, I am lucky and just like you I want to fight to keep this luck. A "brother" wouldn't just stand by and let their "sister" get into harms way." Percy looked really determined and I looked him directly in the eye. I could see another reason why he wanted to come so I waited for him to speak it, the silence drawing out to be uncomfortable. "And I think we should work out our differences." He sighed and I smiled.

"Of course you can come," I grin and decide to make a joke out of it like I do with everything, "Zhang!" I whip around to the unfortunate and shocked boy, "How about you?! You want to join this little expedition?"
He vigorously shook his head.
"Okay!" I continued cheerfully.

"Where do we start?"


A/N: I hoped you enjoyed this. By the way, I put quotation marks around the words 'sister' and 'brother' because you guys aren't actually legit siblings (unless of course you are, in that case ignore them). I'm open for any ideas and requests. Also, correct any spelling mistakes please. Doing a part three for this of course. I'm sorry if this sounded a bit depressing, I just came back from watching HTTYD The Hidden World. So sad!!!
Till next time my pretty psychos!

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