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So I've been tagged...
Never thought this would happen...
Oh well, here goes;

Oh well, here goes;

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1. My name is too short and doesn't contain the right letters for a nickname. (If you want to call me by one, you can just abbreviate my pen name to 'Al' or 'Aly' if you'd like)

2. Dark green with a slightly yellow ring in the middle. (It's like, the only part about me that I don't hate...)

3. I'm a blonde.

4. I'm anaphylactic to nuts.

5. Blue. (Like an ocean water kind of blue)

6. The bushes (I think non-Aussies would call it a more outback kind of forest) near my house.

7. Don't know any. Maybe Jennifer Lawrence because she plays Katniss really well in the movie.

8. Surrender by Natalie Taylor
OR Hallelujah by Pentatonix

9. Cats/Monkeys

10. So hard to choose!!! There are too many great ones! My top three would be:
- Maze Runner
- Ranger's Apprentice
- The Hunger Games

Feel free to tag me in other things!! They're fun to do! 💙💙💙

I tag:
Varia4Life Farius_Wheel Sephie_Frost Feminiist_  Silver5trike

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