Christmas Special!!

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A/N: It's not so much a Christmas Special as just another chapter... I saw this idea on Tumblr and wanted to replicate it... so here it is!

Next: Cooking (Request)
Words: 2412
Warnings: N/A
Important Notes: N/A


A - Attractive (What Leo finds attractive about you)
He loves your creative mind. You help him with all his projects and often make a hard project fun with all your "what if we..." and your jokes. Your humour is another one of his favourite things, a close tie with your creativity. You never fail to make him laugh and you can get along with anyone, making you someone that the rest of the cabin adores. Leo has been threatened more than once that if he breaks your heart, he will have hell to pay.

B - Baby (Does Leo want a family?)
Yes, Leo wants a small family - two children - he doesn't care what the genders are. However, he is terrified that he'll be a bad father and end up treating them like all those orphanages used to treat him. But he knows that you'd make a wonderful mother and he follows your lead, resulting in him being the best father ever!

C - Cuddle (How do you two like to cuddle?)
You love to cuddle on cold days so Leo can warm you up. He pulls you into his chest and buries his head in your shoulder and wraps his arm around your waist. He likes it when it's been a rough day and everything just seems to go away whenever he nuzzles his face into your shoulder.

D - Dates (What dates are like for you two)
Leo is very romantic and takes you places that always make you smile. He's learned through your responses to certain places which ones are your favourite simply because he wants you to be happy.
You rarely get to spoil Leo with surprise dates but whenever you do, he ends up overheating which you find adorable.

E - Everything (You are my...)
Leo - "You are my eternity."
Y/N - "You are my flame."

F - Feelings (When you both realised that you loved each other)
Leo realised instantly - it was the moment he first heard you laugh, which was before he even saw your face.
You had a small crush to begin with, but you eventually fell for his adorable laughing eyes and ridiculous jokes. It was when he eventually showed you his soft side that hid behind his goofy smile that you truly fell for him. How could you not when he had such an adorable face?

G - Gentle (Is he gentle with you?)
Despite spending all day every day moulding metal into shape, he's very gentle and caring with you. He treats you like a flower petal, clearly terrified that one wrong move may result in you wilting or blowing away from him.

H - Hold/Hands (Does Leo hold you?/Does he hold hands?)
Leo loves to hold your hand, especially in public because it shows everyone that you're his. He latched onto you with no shame and no matter where you are, not only because he adores the affection and physical contact but also because it shows that you are his and he is yours.

I - Impression (What was your first impression of one another?)
Leo fell instantly in love with you. It wasn't because of your looks, in fact, he wasn't even looking at you, he was facing the other way. And that's when he heard you laugh. He knew that no matter what face they wore, they were the most beautiful person to ever walk the earth. And as soon as he turned around, he could see you through the crowd instantly and he knew you were the one.

You had come down to the Hephaestus Cabin to have you sling shot "updated" and improved so that you could shoot fireballs and more deadly ammunition than just lead balls. The first time you saw him he was covered in grease with a pair of smoke covered goggles on and his hair all disheveled. He had been laughing at something someone inside the cabin had said as he opened the door. In other words, he looked perfect. But as he took his goggles off to get a better look at you he froze and his face suddenly exploded. And by exploded, I mean that he literally set on fire. Smoke came pouring from his ears and his eyes were wide whilst his messy hair lit up like a candle. The other Hephaestus kids ended up dragging you back time and time again until you finally fell for his hilarious jokes.

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