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A/N: You're on the Argo II with the seven. You'll just have to pretend that there is eight demigods instead of seven. You and Leo like each other. You can have your own godly parent because as far as I have planned, it doesn't matter. Percy is like a big brother to you and he is over protective of you even though you can handle yourself. Percy doesn't really like you dating Leo because Percy is water and Leo is fire. I hope I haven't forgotten anything important. If I have, just let me know. This chapter is dedicated to AnnabethChase222444.
Enjoy the Percabeth moment at the start.


It was cold.

You didn't like the cold.
Hated it.
Leo didn't seem to mind it and you wished for the millionth time that you could keep warm like he did.

The Argo II was currently flying as you ate lunch. As you finished, Percy began to complain about what he called "sky sickness."

"Can we please go back onto water?" Percy begged Leo who was sitting across from him, "I'm getting sky sick."
"It's called motion sickness or air sickness Seaweed brain." Annabeth sighed, she was sitting beside him.
"But they call it sea sickness, so shouldn't it be sky sickness when your sick in the air?" Percy seemed astounded like this was the most obvious thing. Annabeth rubs her eyes, then pinches the bridge of her nose.
"I don't know why they called it that, I wasn't the one who named it and I obviously wasn't around to tell them otherwise." Annabeth was always annoyed when Percy did or said something stupid. You knew she enjoyed having someone to teach, and Percy had a lot to learn.
"Well I'm calling it sky sickness." Percy concluded stubbornly and Annabeth's only response was to rest her head in one of her hands.
"I tried." She muttered, "I honestly tried."

Percy spun back around to Leo with seal eyes and a begging face. Leo sighed.
"Fine, I'll put it back in the water," Leo finally gave in, "But you have to defend me when Jason gets mad because of it."
Leo got up and headed towards the front of the ship, you watched until he disappeared from view then continued eating.
The ship started slowly descending through the clouds.

Then there was a sudden jerk and all of you were flung out of your seats. Your sword/dagger/knife/whatever was in your your hands in an instant. You heard a yelp and an icy cold laugh come from where Leo had gone to.
You ran towards the source of the sound, terrified of what you might find. You hadn't heard anything since the laugh and you were scared that he was dead. You could sense the rest of the eight on your heels. 

You finally arrived.
And as you took everything in, your blood froze to ice.

Khione was standing there with a small, frozen dagger in her hand. But what scared you the most, was that it was at Leo's throat. You sensed the rest of the crew coming up behind you, then suddenly halting as they realized the situation they were in. Khione laughed again, freezing cold and showing no mercy.

"I need just one of you." Khione's voice was just like ice. It seemed beautiful, but it hid layers upon layers of merciless cold. Her eyes were scanning the demigods in front of her, as if trying to pick between us. Her eyes came to rest on you.

Leo followed Khione's eyes to find where they rested and immediately panicked. Not wanting to loose you.

"Then why haven't you taken me?" Leo asked in an almost demanding tone, to which Khione laughed.

"So eager?" Khione's icy laugh sent jarring shivers up your spin. "Not only do you have the annoying habit of setting yourself on fire, but I have also been asked by Gaia for a girl." 
Her eyes drift back to you again and Leo starts fidgeting.  

"If one of us goes with you, do you agree to leave the rest of us alone?" You ask and watch as Leo's eyes widen as he catches onto your idea.

"No Y/N don't do it!" He begged and screamed, "Don't go with her!"

"I'm sorry Leo, but I have to." You turn to Khione and ignore anymore complaints that come from Leo and the rest of the eight behind you. "I'll come freely if you promise to leave the rest of the eight alone."

"I cannot promise that and you know it." Khione's icy sweet voice cut at your heart like a shard of ice. "But I will let them go freely until they reach the end of my domain."

"Swear it on the River Styx." You forced her. "I swear on the River Styx that if you let everyone else go then I will come with you freely."

"I swear on the River Styx that if you come with me freely, I will let the crew go freely to the end of my territory."

Once the words had been uttered, the sky rumbled over head. You knew you weren't going to get any better than that so you just bowed your head in agreement. When you looked up you saw that Khione had disappeared and in her place a few snowflakes drift into the wind. You heard a gasp from Leo who was still facing you, he points down at your hand and you follow his finger. 

It was dissolving...
...into snowflakes.
You stumbled back as your legs started to dissolve as well. Your ADHD side started to wonder if there was a word for what was happening to you. Freezing?
You stumbled back into Percy's arms. It didn't hurt, it actually tickled a bit as you started to drift into the wind. You saw Leo in your face and he started to say something but you couldn't hear it because the left side of your face was leaving the ship. You were almost gone but you stayed long enough to feel a salty kiss on your lips.



A/N: Hope that you enjoyed this chapter, I'm definitely making another one to complete this. I hope someone is actually reading this, if you are, please leave a comment. Please comment on something I can improve on and something I'm doing well.
Till next time my pretty psychos!

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