To Burn

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A/N: There is a swear word at the end. I'm sorry, but this one is sad...


Y/N's pov

The wind whipped at my hair and I clutched at Leo's waist in order to stop myself from falling off Festus. This was it. It was the end of the war with Gaia, and Leo was planning on destroying himself in order to defeat her.

"Y/N!" Leo shouted above the wind. "You have to jump off!"

"No!" I shouted back, probably bursting his ear drums. "If you're going down, I'm coming with you!" Leo seemed to come to a decision and he spun around, crashing his lips into mine. Once I got over my shock, I wrapped my arms around his neck. Then, with a triumphant smirk, Leo pushed hard against my lips, causing me to fall off Festus and begin tumbling through the air. 

Then it all stopped.
I stopped hearing.
I stopped feeling.
I didn't feel the wind tugging at my clothes. I didn't feel Jason catch me mid-air, or hear the comforting words he whispered in my ear. I didn't feel my feet touch the ground, or understand why I suddenly collapsed to my knees. My ears didn't comprehend the heart-shattering scream that ripped through my course throat.
Then it all came rushing back all at once.
I could hear nothing but my labored breathes as hot tears streamed down my face and into my mouth. Soft sobs filled the air and it took me a moment to realize that that chocking noise was me. The world was still and silent. Then the noise echoed out like a death penalty issued to the innocent.
The booming sound of an explosion.
My eyes scrunched together, tears flowing faster. The screaming started again and my body went into shut down mode. The world was filled with the sound of my pain, my nails bit into the Earth as a conscious part of my tried unsuccessfully to show Gaia the pain she had caused me.
Gaia had provoked Leo into doing something stupid like this. She had called him the seventh wheel. Well you know what Gaia! He was my seventh wheel, and I loved him! I was Leo's girl and Gaia had made life hell for Leo, so I was going to make life hell for her. I still had a few strings I could pull, a few tricks left up my sleeve. I noticed the rest of the seven was standing nervously behind me. I was silent, they knew I was planning someone. I could have sworn I even saw praying for God to have mercy on whoever's soul I planned on reaping, whoever's life I planned on destroying. I chuckled to myself, an insane little laugh, God couldn't help Gaia now. I was in town.

Gaia had messed with the wrong bitch...


A/N: Aaaaaand I'll let your imaginations run wild from there! Hope you enjoyed the come back at the end, I've always wanted the pleasure of writing this chapter. Please, feel free to come up with whatever horrible punishment you want to give Gaia, and might as well write some down for Octavion to.
Till next time my pretty psychos!

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