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A/N: This is going to be a very short update because it's my sister's birthday and I should probably celebrate it with her before guests begin to arrive. This chapter is dedicated to LeahPaul1.

C/N means cat's name

Y/C means your cabin


You were walking through the pet store, hoping that you would find something that you could bring home. You had been begging Chiron and he finally let you out of camp to go by a pet. Leo had tried to come with you but he had things to build back at camp, so you were on your own, you just had to hope that no monster would come after you. You walked up to the dogs to see them playfully bouncing on one another. You smiled when you saw them and one caught your eye, it had big black eyes that matched his fur. Those eyes seemed to bore into your soul and you were about to choose him when a thud and a meow made you look elsewhere. You looked around to see a stunned Burmese cat staring at the glass wall that stopped him from getting to you. You laughed and moved over to him, momentarily forgetting the dogs behind you. You moved over to him and picked him up. His short brown fur wasn't spiky at all, instead it was smooth. He looked up at you with beautiful, soft yellow eyes. He looked tired and made a huge yawn, this would usually look menacing, but to you it was the most adorable thing you had ever seen. You immediately rushed over to the counter and bought him. On your way home you thought of a name, but nothing seemed to come to mind.

TIME SKIP because I'm lazy

Once you got back to camp, you went straight to your cabin so that you didn't draw any attention and scare your cat on its first day at camp. You let him out the moment you got there and he immediately knocked some pencils over and started chasing them. He ran into many walls during his battle, but not once did he falter, he went straight back into his fight. You were scared that he would concuss himself so you put him on your bed and sat next to him. You were about to get up and go tell Leo about your cat when said cat rubbed against your thigh and began to purr. You couldn't miss this so you just sat there. The cat ended up on your lap so there was no escape, you just had to wait and hope that the cat hopped off your lap. That was when you came up with the name for your cat.

Leo's pov

It had been a while since I had seen Y/N and I was starting to get worried so I decided to visit her cabin and wait for her to get back. As I walk up to her cabin, I start to hear noises coming from inside.

"I love you so much C/N." It was obviously Y/N talking to someone. She had said that she loved them. I felt a searing pain in my chest, thinking the worst. I knew that Y/N would move on someday, I mean, who could possibly want me? I knew it would only be a matter of time before it happened. Tears began to trickle down my face. I was broken. Y/N. My sadness turned into anger, I wanted to know who this impostor was. If he wanted Y/N, then he'd have to deal with me!
I burst through the door of the Y/C cabin. I marched straight away to Y/N, who was sitting on her bed with a stunned look on her face.

"Who's C/N?" I demanded, tears still streaming down my face, "Huh?!"

"M-my ca-cat's name." Her face went from stunned to terrified as she looked at the hatred on my face. I noticed her hugging something on her lap. I looked at it and saw a brown cat that also looked terrified by my actions. I sunk to my knees as I realized what I had done.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry, I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorryI'msorryI'msorry." The words just became one flow of words from my mouth. A laugh cut through my ranting and I looked up to see Y/N, her hand resting on my shoulder.

"Don't worry about it Leo." She laughed, "I think it's cut that your jealous of a cat."

"Am not!" I felt the blood rush to my face in embarrassment, I was so glad that none of Y/N's siblings were in the cabin. Y/N just laughed and pet the cat that I remembered was sitting on her lap. "He's in my spot!" This cause Y/N to laugh even harder.

"Since when was my lap your spot?" She asked.

"Since I'm your boyfriend."

"Oh, well I guess you'll just have to try to get him to move." I looked down at the cat and it gave me a triumphant look. I knew there was no way I could get it to move without it digging its claws in and hurting Y/N. So I gave Y/N the puppy dog eyes that I knew she couldn't resist. Finally, she sighed and shoved the cat off her lap, the cat was then quickly replaced by my head. Y/N played with my curls in a comfortable silence. I was starting to drift off to sleep, but just before I did, I heard Y/N talking.

"You know no one could replace you right?" She asked.

"You know you're an angel right?" I replied with a question, and I drifted off into sleep listening to Y/N's magical laugh.


A/N: I hope you people enjoyed this, remember I do take requests and I'm beginning to run out of ideas so please do suggest something quickly.
Till next time my pretty psychos!

Leo Valdez x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now