Hide us!

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A/N: This chapter is dedicated to crystaltheFANwriter.

You quickly scrambled through the woods, trying not to trip on any roots that might be sticking out of the ground. You hear the angry shouts of the Aphrodite cabin behind you, it was lead by Drew whom you had just totally driven mad. The laughs and giggles of the two almost identical boys running beside you were contagious and you couldn't help joining in. Another shout from your pursuers brought you back to the present and you kept running. You weren't looking straight and you collided with a boy about your age with brown curls. You both went tumbling and you landed on top of him. He was shocked but quickly recovered.

"Enjoying yourself up there?" He asked with an annoying smirk on his face.
You sighed and rolled off him, the Stoll Brothers caught up with you and a look of relief passed over their faces.

"Leo can you please hide us?" Travis begged and looked behind at the approaching army of make-up models.

The boy, Leo, laughed. His chocolaty eyes danced with laughter.

"Yeah sure," He smirked again, "I can hide you, but I want a prize."
The angry Aphrodite cabin was approaching fast.
"Yeah sure," You agreed quickly, "Whatever you want, just get us out of here. I hate make up." (Sorry if any of you guys are Aphrodite's children. I just needed it to go with the chapter.)

You followed him to a stone wall and immediately knew it was a trap. You shouldn't have trusted this boy. Then all of a sudden, his hand was on fire and he pressed it into the cliff face. Doors slid away and before you knew it, you were safe inside. Then Leo spun around with a triumphant smirk on his face.

"I've done my part of the deal," Leo couldn't wipe the grin off his annoyingly cute face, "Now I want my prize."
"Yeah, what is it?" You wanted to get it over with so that you could relax.
"A kiss." Leo named his price with a grin.
"You want Connor and Travis to kiss you?" You said in mocking disbelief, knowing he meant you.
"No you." He said irritated now. You sighed, you weren't going to get out of this one. Make up, or a kiss. It was a no brainier you walked towards him and kissed him. 

His brown eyes widened in shock like he hadn't thought you would actually do that. Then he closed them and enjoyed it. 'Go big or go home.' You thought so you pushed closer and he instinctively wrapped his arms around your waist and you began to play with his hair. Being the annoying daughter of Hermes you were, you made him get really excited like you were enjoying it, which you were, then you pulled on one of his brown curls.
"Ow!" He yelped in surprise and he reached up to touch the lock you had pulled. He had released you and you stepped back and bowed.
"Hope you enjoyed the show." You said and walked back to the Stolls who's eyes had widened in shock, guess they didn't think you could do something like that. Then you glanced back at Leo to see his sad face and disappointed eyes. You decided to make it up to him later 


A/N: I decided I'm going to do a part 2 so that Leo ends up happy instead of sad, so hang tight. Please comment and vote.
Till next time my pretty psychos!

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