Percabeth ~ Part 2

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A/N: This is dedicated to pjohooandleolover100 because they requested the part two. Sorry if it sucks. Italics means you talking to yourself (the voice in your head/conscience/whatever).

Words: 1343
Next: Perfect Date (a request!)
Warnings: Some fighting


Y/N's pov

"Leo...Leo...Leo...Leo...Leo. Leo. Leo. Leo. Leo. leo leo leo leo leo leoleoleoleoleoleoleoleoleoleo." I took a deep breath. "Lllllllllllllllleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeooooooooooooooo!"

"Y/N!" Leo shouts with exasperation. "I need to get this done by tomorrow." He gives an awkward little laugh at the end in an attempt to relieve any tension he caused. I couldn't help myself, I leaned in and gave him a peck on the cheek, satisfied when he gave a small smile at my actions knowing all was forgiven. Thinking back on it now, I probably should have just stopped there. I should have sat down silently in the corner until he finished, or left to find something else to occupy myself with. But instead, just like the annoying and stubborn person I am, I decided to continue irritating Leo, by poking him. Five minutes later and smoke began to rise from his hair, going unnoticed by me. Five or ten minutes after that and Leo finally snapped and lashed out.

"Y/N, PLEASE STOP DOING THAT!" Leo shouted and grabbed a hold of my wrist before I could touch him again. His anger caused his hand to heat to intense temperatures and burn my hand. With a yelp, I managed to yank my hand out of his grasp and into my hand, as if covering the wound with my palm was going to cause it to instantly heal or disappear. Silence seized the air. Neither of us dared move, before we both leaped into action.

"I'm so sorry Y/N!" Leo leaned forward to help me, then immediately leaned back, scared he would scare me more or make it worse. "I didn't mean to."

"I-It's okay, Leo." I told him. "It was an accident."

"No it's not okay, Y/N. I hurt you."

"Maybe, but it's my fault. I shouldn't have annoyed you like that."

"It's not your fault, you can't burn yourself like that on your own, it's my fault your hurt."


"I'm so sick of hurting people. I always hurt the people I care about. I killed my mum and hurt you, I'm dangerous even when I'm not trying to be. I'm a curse to you and everyone else that I love. Maybe it'd be better if I just left."

"Leo..." I sighed. "This isn't your fault and you're definitely not a curse." It was too late, Leo was already out the door.

I sat lying on the floor for another minute or two, processing what just happened. Then one more minute to decide what to do.
She'd know 


"Annabeth! Annabeth!" I gasped, causing people to look in my direction, but I didn't care, so long as one of those people was the blonde whose advice I sought desperately. "I really need your help!" I stopped in front of her, hands on my knees as she waited for me to catch my breath. "Leo *pant pant* he-he *gasp* I-he-we *horrible dying noises* need your help *heaving noises* please." I finished.

"...What?" Annabeth asked after a moment of confused silence.

"I screwed up bad and now you have to help me fix it."


"Take him on a date." Annabeth told me once I had finished my tale.

"Where, though?" I asked.

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