Foster Home Part 2

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A/N: For those who don't know, and I can't be bothered to check if I've used it before or not, but Y/F/C means 'your favourite colour.'


A throbbing in my skull.
That was the first sensation I felt as I regained consciousness.
I lay there; eyes closed, steady breathing. Slowly regaining my senses.
First was touch.
I felt the blankets around me a suddenly tensed as I realized they weren't the old scratchy blankets I used when on the streets. These one's were softer and foreign. I forced myself to relax. Nobody had noticed my waking and if they had, they weren't making it known.
Second was smell.
I could faintly detect the smokey smell of a campfire. Camp. That's where I must be. I'd heard of a place for people that were different. People like me and Leo...
Wait...Oh gods...Leo!

My eyes flew open in remembrance, taking in my surroundings within a matter of seconds. A very Greek looking infirmary.
Movement beside me caused me to close my eyes again. I recognizable sigh, then I warm calloused hand came up to tuck some loose strands of hair behind my ear.

"You look so beautiful Y/N." Leo murmured what he believed to be something only he can hear. "I wonder what you'd do if I asked you out." 

"I wonder what you'd do if I said yes." I murmured back, allowing my E/C orbs to meet his shocked chocolaty ones.

"Y-y-you're aw-wake." Leo stammered in shock.

"W-w-well spotted." I mocked.

"I missed your sarcasm." Leo gave a small smile to himself.

"And I missed your ability to deal with it." I smirked. "And you owe me a date now."  I started to get up, despite his protests.

"You can't get up, you might hurt yourself." Leo tried in vain to pull me back down.

"Yet you can fall from the height of a five-story building and walk away unscathed?" I questioned, raising an eyebrow.

"Well, not completely unscathed." He began to avoid eye contact.

"Come again?" I questioned, both eyebrows shooting up. It was then that I realized he wasn't letting me see his left arm, the arm facing away from me.

"I may or may not have fractured my arm." Leo began backing away from my advancing form.

"What? Let me see!" I spun around him, trying to get a good look, he just pranced away. "I promise I won't poke it like last time!" I lied. It seemed to work because Leo allowed me to take a good look at it. I reached into my pocket and began to get closer, he backed away. "Hey, I just want to sign the sling."

"That's probably going to hurt..." Leo questioned it like a statement.

"Nah, you'll be fine." I laughed it off. It was only when I was just about to write it that I told the truth. "Okay, maybe a little bit." Leo's eye's widened in shock, but it was too late to go back now, he scrunched up his eyes, waiting for a pain that never came. Slowly he opened one eye, then the other, and starred down at the Y/F/C signature sitting alone on the sling. "I wasn't gonna hurt you." I scoffed at his astonished face. "Honestly, what do you take me for?"

Leo smiled, his eyes glazing over as a memory filled them. "Hey Y/N?" He asked, seeking attention he never lost. "Remember that time in the foster system when I broke my arm?"

"Mmm." I nodded in remembrance.

"You could always tell how many people were friends with you by the amount of signatures on your cast." Leo's eyes seemed to be misting with tears now. "And no one wanted to sign my cast."

"Yeah, that's right." I smiled, remembering a part he left out. "And I got a packet of random pens, sharpies, crayons and whatever I could get my hands on, then wrote down everyone's name onto your cast."

"Oh yeah!" Leo laughed, tears disappearing. "You got it so perfect that everyone thought that those people had actually signed it."

"Then I didn't need to forge signatures anymore." I laughed along with him. Gods, it was good to have him back.


A/N: Thanks to WhyDontWeLoverPJ for correcting all my spelling mistakes as they go. I've gone back and corrected all of those.
Till next time my pretty psychos!

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