Kidnapped Part 3

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A/N: I didn't know how to write about Leo and Percy finding you (and it's starting to draw out a little bit, taking up more time and room then expected) so I've skipped over that bit and just started writing from when they find you. Sorry! I'm just feeling really uninspired right now. This chapter is dedicated to Booker_GAYwitt.


Percy's pov

When I agreed to help Leo, I didn't realize that I would end up in the middle of no where, half-way down some icy steps, stuck in a glacier. I couldn't see the bottom, I just hoped that this icy prison lead to Y/N's cell, where she is hopefully still living...

Leo's pov

I can't sleep.
I can't eat.
I can't function properly without Y/N.
She is an important part of my life and I have never been closer to getting her back than I am now. I just hope that our source was reliable.

I ran down the steps, two at a time. I kept going,  Percy at my heels, until I reached a dead end.

"NO!" I screamed and punched the wall, my hand on fire. I underestimated the heat of my flames and my fist went straight through the wall. I expected that there would be nothing on the other side but as I pulled my fist out and peeked in, curious of what was inside, my heart clenched.

Y/N was inside.
I quickly put my hands against the wall, setting them on fire. I ignored the confused looks I was receiving from Percy. I yelled and the flames grew with such an intensity that the walls melted away in a matter of seconds.
I was exhausted.
I had monster cuts all over me from the guards stationed above and below this ice berg. It didn't matter, Y/N was alive. I crawled over to her, Percy had beat me to it and already had her head on his lap. I touched her hand.

She was cold...
So cold...
I bent down and once again put my powers to good use. She started to... defrost? Thaw out? Whatever.

'Leo.' She muttered and crawled closer to Percy, hugging him. Percy's face went a light red from embarrassment. I chuckled at the sight, it had been a long time since I last laughed. I missed doing that.

Y/N stirred and began to move, I was so relieved that I picked her up and scooped her into my arms, still giving off heat. She moved in my arms and began to hug me back. I looked down at her face and her eyes flickered open.
Then I saw the anger in her eyes.
...And furious.

'What took you so dam long!' She shouted, anger flaring in her eyes. 'I've been stuck down here for...' She trails off and looks at Percy for assistance, he holds up three fingers, then seven. 'three weeks!' Then she broke down into sobs and hugged me tighter, cuddling into my chest. I rested my chin on her head. 'Your so infuriating!' She sobbed on my shirt.

'I missed you too.' I mumbled.

'I love you Leo.' I didn't even have time to respond before her cold lips brushed mine.


A/N: I don't really have anything to say, just continue to comment, vote, and request.
Till next time my pretty psychos!

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