Foster Home

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A/N: This chapter is dedicated to Shirospacedaddy, who came up with this idea. Make sure you keep the ideas coming everyone! Life hit me real hard recently and I wasn't able to focus on anything, I'm so sorry. I hope the long chapter makes up for that.

Y/N's pov

Chaos. That's all I remember. That's all I remember when I lost my best friend. Maybe he could have been more then that. I fought as hard as I could, but they still took him away. We were going to run away the next day, but they took him to another foster home before we could, I miss him so much. I had ended up running away anyway. I hadn't gotten over him since. I hoped he was okay and he hadn't forgotten me. I sure hadn't forgotten him.

Leo's pov

H/C hair, E/C eyes. I couldn't get her out of my head. Y/N. The girl I had known I had liked, but had been too scared to admit it. I would give my life a thousands times over just to tell her how I feel, even though I know she would say know, I needed to tell her. 

"LEO!" Piper screamed in my face. "Dude, we need you to focus. I had to use charmspeak to get you out of that trance!" 

"Yeah," Jason chipped in, "You've been really distracted lately. Is there something wrong?"

"No...No I'm fine." I reply distractedly, unable to stop thinking about the angel Y/N.

Then Piper, ever the Aphrodite, squealed. "It's a girl! It's a girl! It's a girl!

"Yeah, I mean No!" I stumbled over the words, causing Piper to giggle and Jason to chuckle in realization. Piper's inner-Aphrodite was definitely earning its stay. 

"You should tell her how you feel." Jason suggested, still grinning.

"I can't." I sighed back, giving up on trying to deny it.

"Oh, come one." Piper laughed. "It's not that hard." She was getting really excited over this.

"No, I mean like I was torn away from her when I was put into a different foster home." I explained.

"Oh." Piper looked really crest-fallen. "Well. That does present a small problem doesn't it?"

"Ya think?" I grumbled.

"Maybe we could search the - Ahh!" Piper's own scream cut her off as a giant cyclopes came out of one of the caves as we passed, grabbing her by the hair and lifting her up. We've dealt with cyclopes' before, but trust me when I say it, this one was huge. I mean, bigger then the usual.

"Maybe we could search what?" I shouted up at her.

"Now is not the time to be worried about your girlfriend!" Jason shouted back at me as he began to fly up to Piper.

"So let me get this straight, you can be worried about your girlfriend, but I can't be worried about my friend. I see where I stand now." I grumbled.

"Just help me!" Jason avoided answering my sarcasm.

"Put me down you over sized bag of ugly, rotten, useless potatoes!" Piper screamed at the monster currently holding her captive.

'Whoa! Who is that and what did they do with Piper?' I thought as I began to aim fire at the cyclopes' leg in an attempt to make it fall over.

"I almost figured out Leo's crush!" Piper screamed at the cyclopes, effectively confusing it.

'Ah. I see where this new Piper has come from now.' I thought.

"Well that's clearly not going to work." I heard a voice shout from behind me. I spun around and squinted upwards slightly to look where the feminine voice had emitted from.
I froze as the those familiar footsteps slowly stomped down the hill towards me, those army boots crunching the ground as she approached.

Her dirty H/C hair bounced with each step. Those captivating E/C eyes sparkling with the promise of battle. The same sparkle I had fallen for, and never really gotten over.

"N/N." I whispered. She immediately recoiled at the sound of the old nickname I had given her.

"Don't call me that!" She spat with venom. "I don't know how you know about that, but don't call me that."

She didn't remember me.

"Leo!" Jason shouted from above and Y/N flinched at the name. "Now is not the time to flirt!"

"Alrighty!" Y/N  recovered and took stock of the situation. "Flyboy! Get down here!" Jason had worked with plenty of powerful and strong women, so he knows one when he sees one, and he knows not to mess with one when they give an order. Besides, she clearly had a plan and it was better then just stabbing and hoping for the best. As soon as he landed she began to explain what she wanted to have happen. "Flyboy I wan-"

"Jason." Said boy interrupted her. "The name's Jason."

"I know." Y/N gave a devilish smirk. "I just prefer the name Flyboy."

Jason tilted his head into his usual confused expression. "What?"

"I know things." Y/N clapped her hands. "Listen and we can get your friend down. I'll distract the cyclops with my gun," She pulled a small hand gun from her waistband to show us, "While Flyboy takes Fireboy up near his face. Aim for the eye." She addressed that last part to me and as we made eye contact, I noticed the pain that was hidden deep within, slowly and painfully clawing its way to the surface. Before I could say anything, she spun around and began to fire, shouting at Jason to get us into the air. I was once again being ripped away from Y/N. The cyclopes was well and truly confused, looking down at Y/N with a snarl contorting its already ugly features.

We finally reached its eye. It felt like staring down the barrel of a gun, the cyclops' eye twitched round to me with an ugly, toothless grin.

"Now Leo! I can't hold you much longer!" Jason shouted.

My hands came up and I channeled all my feelings through my palms in the form of a fiery tornado. Destination: The cyclops' eye. The burning pain caused the cyclopes to stagger back, dropping a still screaming Piper in the process. Piper's shouts turned from hatred to distress as she plummeted to the asphalt below...

Y/N's pov

I don't blame Jason. Well, not completely. But I was definitely angry when he dropped Leo and flew towards Piper, catching her in his arms, with the reassuring words of a lover that all was okay. However, all was not good as Leo took Piper's position, descending at a deadly pace towards the ground.

"Jason!" I screamed, unable to contain my fear anymore, I leaped forward, knowing I was the only one close enough to reach him. Only problem was, I couldn't fly, so I would just have to settle with breaking his fall.
Almost there, he's almost on the ground.
I launched myself towards his falling spot and it was only as I started to black out that I realized I hadn't accounted for my surroundings and had launched myself head long into a rock.

'Wonderful.' I thought sarcastically, 'This is going to leave a mark.'


A/N: I'm sorry that this is so long, but I'm going to do a part two for this. I'm sorry I took a break from it all, but it was real chaotic for me recently and I thought I was going to loose my grandfather. But, I'm back now and am going to keep writing. Thank you so much for all the support you've been giving me. I would have given up by now if it wasn't for all of you.
Till next time my pretty psychos!

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