I Pretty A Pretty Boy

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A/N: Varia4Life requested that I do something for Aphrodite kids, so here it is! Make sure you check her writing out as well! It's amazing! (And much better than mine). This one shot is short but full of fluff.

Next: Wedding Dress (Request)
Words: 730
Warnings: N/A



"Sit still!" I exclaimed as I chased Leo around the deck of the newly built Argo II.

"No, no, no, no no!" Leo shouted as he continued to run away from me. "This'll ruin my image!"

"Leo, you don't have an image." Annabeth retorted as she leapt in front of him and grabbed a hold so that he couldn't keep running off.

"Hey!" Leo pouted, clearly offended by her words. "That's not fair! I definitely have an image to uphold around camp."

"Sure Leo, whatever floats your boat." Piper giggled as she came to sit down beside me

"I don't know about this guys." Hazel hesitated.

"A dare's a dare, Hazel." Annabeth replied as she continued to hold Leo still.

"But the whole day!" Hazel continued as she moved to help Annabeth hold the poor boy down.

"Yep!" I replied enthusiastically. "Otherwise there's no point doing it at all!"

"Okay, Y/N. If I start doing the foundation then you start deciding what colours we're going to use." Piper told me as she handed my an eye shadow palette (A/N: I think that's what it's called, I don't use a lot of make-up).

"Alrighty!" I cheered and accepted the powder filled box. I hold back a giggle as I remember the events that had occurred just moments before. Me, Piper, Annabeth and Hazel had been playing dare or double dare. Reyna couldn't join because she was too busy in New Rome. It was Piper's turn and that's when Leo was unfortunate enough to walk in. Piper had taken advantage of the situation and decided to dare him to wear make-up for the rest of the day. Being the amazing girlfriend that I am, I obviously agreed vigorously and helped Piper out with the make-up.

"Alright!" Piper shouted and leaned away from Leo's horrified face. "Foundation is done, what next?"

"I was tossing up between total emo mode or the eccentric vibrancy." I reported.

"Oooh! Vibrancy! Vibrancy!" Hazel cheered with a childish and bright smile.

"Yeah, lets do that!" Annabeth agreed.

"Okay, Operation: Give Leo a Make Over is officially go!" Piper squealed.


"I can't believe you made me do that!" Leo whined as I kept wiping the make-up off his face.

"Hey, at least we're helping you take it off." I retorted through my barely contained giggling.

"Y-Yeah, Le-Leo." Annabeth laughed. Piper was rolling on the ground next her wheezing from the memories of the day. The look on everyone's face as they saw him. The exasperated and totally done expression on Chiron's face when he took in the state of one of his best and brightest pupils.

"I'm sorry Leo." Hazel mumbled as she continued to help me clean the boy's face. "That was wasn't funny at all."

"Liar." I replied with a smirk. "You found it hilarious."

"H-hey!" Hazel shouted indignantly. "You promised you wouldn't tell."

"I lied." I smiled innocently.

"We should do it again tomorrow!" Annabeth announced with an excited gasp.

"Yes!" Piper exclaimed with a beaming smile.

"Noooo." Leo whined with a comical tear in his eye as he began to slouch in an attempt to disappear.

"Oh calm down." Hazel soothed. "We wouldn't do something like that."

"We wouldn't?" I asked with a dumbfounded expression to which Hazel sent a harsh glare. "I mean yeah! Of course we wouldn't." I send a quick wink to the other two girls present in the room which causes a loud round of giggles to echo through the room.

"I really am kidding." I promise Leo with a giant innocent smile.

"O-okay." Leo stammered, still not entirely believing me. To show I care I quickly lean in and leave a peck on his lips.

"I mean it." I tell him.

"Okay." Leo repeated with more confidence this time.

"Good." I give him a hug, satisfied that all the makeup was now off his face. "I love you."

"I love you to."


A/N: Sorry about the trash ending, I just didn't know how to finish.

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