My Jolly Sailor Bold

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A/N: This was requested by Werewolf1712 and in it, the reader is a mermaid. Geez, this was a long one! I hope I did it the way you wanted! By the way, there is a POtC reference at the end (I couldn't help myself)!

Next: My Jolly Sailor Bold Part 2
Words: 2146
Warnings: N/A



Tap. Tap. Tap
I knock my finger against the strange object blocking my way. It appears like ice, but smoother and not as cold. I turn around and take in my new surroundings, taking note of how the ocean appears to have become many times smaller over night. And no matter where I searched, I couldn't seem to find my sisters anywhere. I eventually looped back around to my starting spot in front of the NotIce. I sighed to myself.

"Where am I?" I thought.


I spin around, searching for the source of the unknown voice.

"Sorry. I didn't mean to startle you." I look to my left to see a young female clownfish floating there beside me.

"No, it's alright. I shouldn't have been thinking aloud like that." I reply calmly.

"Anyway, I head the LandSwimmers call this place Aquarium." The orange fish replied.

"LandSwimmers?" I questioned, I faintly remembered having heard that name before. I pondered the name for a moment before it finally clicked. "Oh! You mean like Sailors!"

"Yeah!" The female fish replied. "Wait. Are you from the Big Waters?!"

"I sure am!" I replied proudly, finding the young fish's excitement contagious.

"Oh my gosh!" The young creature gushed. "What's it like?"

"Well," I answered happily. "It's much bigger than this place and i-" I'm cut off by the muffled sound of many children laughing. "What's going on?" I turn to my fish companion in my confusion, on the hunt for answers.

"The LandSwimmers are here and they've come with their offspring."

No sooner had the words left the orange fish's mouth when the LandSwimmers' offspring began to pound on the NotIce, causing ear-crushing sound waves to roll through the water. I clutched at my ears and writhed in pain, somehow managing to move backwards in an attempt to escape the onslaught. Finally making my way behind a large rock, I relaxed a bit, but not all the way. I still had my hands covering my ears and my eyes were squeezed shut, almost as if that would be enough to block out the pain.
I was in for a long first day.


At the point in the day that the LandSwimmers call Lunch, I got the chance to once again speak with my fish companion. I learned her name to be Lylia and that the NotIce was in fact actually called Glass. We spoke together about the Big Waters. I told her of my sisters and what the Big Waters actually look like. I just hopped I could find a way back home and maybe even bring Lylia with me. Lylia was part way through telling me about her little brother when she stopped and just started staring forwards.

"He's here." She whispered it like it was the greatest thing to anyone could ever be told.

"Who?" I asked, thoroughly confused.

"Him!" Lylia was practically squealing she was so excited.

"Again but more specifically this time." I sarcastically requested.

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